Unity launches games only for artificial intelligence


Unity, a leading manufacturer of computer game development tools, announced the creation of a new type of unprecedented game, designed not for people but for artificial intelligence. This is written by Verge.

The game is called Obstacle Tower and is a software designed to assess the level of complexity of artificial intelligence subjects. It measures the efficiency with which it can maneuver for 100 levels that change arbitrarily. Each level is procedurally generated, so it changes every time the AI ​​tries to succeed it.

Due to the Obstacle Tower program and the $ 100,000 prize pool that candidates will qualify for, Amnesty International researchers will receive a new benchmarking tool. Self-study programs.

"We wanted to give researchers a work on which it would be very interesting to work and that would maximize the possibilities of the AI ​​systems currently under research and development in the world". said Danny Lange, vice president of the unit of artificial intelligence and machine learning. "What we really want to do here is create a tool for researchers to focus their work, join forces and compare their progress," he added.

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« There is a wide range of control problems, visual and cognitive problems that you have to overcome to go from one level to the next. other, and at each level, it becomes more and more difficult, "said Lange. "We played player-players and they can reach level 15."

According to Unity, as part of the contest organized around the game, any party can learn about the AI ​​to pass the first 25 floors. tours in the period from February 11th to March 31st. Starting April 15, a 100-story full version will be available, with the winners announced on June 14.

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