Video unveiled of the filming site of the last "Terminator"


In a video shot last year in Hungary, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and producer Andrew Wein died this week

This information is reported by Espresso.TV with reference to Variety.

A roll that opens the tail of the Hungarian National Film Foundation. On the video, Schwarzenegger and director Tim Miller are fond of Budapest and Vaina compliments the franchise. Everything ends with the legendary phrase Schwarzenegger "1965"

This was the last visit of the American film producer Weina to the international shoot in Hungary. Andrew Wein created with Mario Cassar a film production company "Carolco Pictures".

Andrew Wein and Mario Cassar together created the films "Terminator 3: Rampage of Machines", "Basic Instinct 2", "Terminator: Salvation", "Rambo", etc. . He was 74 years old

The future image will be a direct sequel to "Terminator 2: The Last Judgment" and will ignore the events of the previous three parts. In addition to Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton returned to the tape performed by Sarah Connor


James Cameron was one of the producers of the new Terminator. "Terminator 6" received the largest budget in the history of the franchise (even taking into account inflation) – $ 255 million. The most expensive film of the cycle was "Terminator: Salvation."


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