Vinnik explained how to go on stage |


"If all the awards were received by me and Oleg Vinnik, it was … it would be cool," joked Olga Polyakova. And I reached the top 10: the singer has really dropped medicine, how many titles and awards he has received.

The phenomenon of Vinnik: the secrets of success

The artist says: from the beginning of the creative activity (32 years) closely follows his physical form. For many times, he has managed to become a national favorite, the winner of the Golden Firebird and VIVA, the most beautiful. The beginning of Oleg's career was not easy: many Ukrainian producers called him "neformat" and did not believe in his success.

However, now Vynnyk is one of the most sought-after actors who has conquered a large female audience.

"I was told," If you were a girl, it could be interesting. "And I did my job because I felt that people understood me, I was looking for this bridge as for them There were adventures with producers of" all kinds. "My producer is my friend, he is n & # 39; He was not involved in production, he does not consider himself a great producer, we are just working people, and now all those producers who do not understand – my business, jealous of my friend, now they consider him as a producer because I am considered an artist ", – said Vynnyk.

Regarding the physical form, the artist does not advise to adhere to special diets: just consider the composition of the products and the time of consumption:

"There are no special diets, just less carbohydrates, I do not eat white bread, only cereals and a little." In the last 10 years, I became 12-14 pounds. I weighed 75 kilos, and now I want to go back to that weight. "Already almost everything is useless, it remained two kilos", – recalled the singer

See: Oleg Vynnyk, tour ("You are aware")

The portal "", the largest festival of Eastern Europe music "Atlas Weekend" was launched in Kiev. The poster head of the event was an undeniable female favorite, a Ukrainian singer Oleg Vinnik, who is now called the phenomenon of pop. The artist interpreted his cult hits into rock, which literally blew up the audience, sang "Vovchytsu", "Nino", "Take me to my captivity" and others. As expected, hundreds of listeners came to the speech of Oleg Vynnik, who has actively sung the famous success words. Network users are actively discussing what's going on, noting that the artist has surpassed even the cult band's audience The Prodigy, which was the festival's poster head last year, by the number of spectators. [F.
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