Vinnytsia News: "Aitus" with a Moscow donkey attacked parishioners of the UOC


  UOC parishioners were attacked by tuples in Moscow's ass.
A local priest of the Russian Orthodox Church brought about 150 "aunts" to the Vinnitsa region. They organized a fight at the parishioners meeting, where the question of the transition from the local parish to the CCP was decided. Photo – a screenshot of the video

In the village of Pisarivka, in Vinnitsa, a priest from the Orthodox Church of the city brought with him about 150 ouhis

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As a result of the fight, the village chief Dmytro Naumenko and the district inspector were the victims of several assaults.

ALSO READ: The peasants are not allowed to enter the church of the Pope of Moscow

The participants in the fight did they not know each other. However, the Minister of Youth and Sports Ihor Zhdanov warned that if the facts relating to the participation of athletes in such events were known, they would be punished.

"I strongly encourage sports federations, athletes, coaches, officials: it is categorically unacceptable to use them." Sportsmen to prevent the free political or religious expression of the will of Ukrainian citizens.These acts of hooliganism constitute not only a violation of the law, but also a blatant contradiction with the values ​​of the Olympic Games.The Interior Ministry will proceed to this categorical assessment of these acts.human rights and the Ministry of the Interior. the Youth and Sports of Ukraine, if it turns out that Ukrainian national team athletes are involved in such actions of power, my reaction as a profile minister will be as rigid as possible, "said Igor Zhdanov

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