Virginia Lieutenant Governor Condemns a Racist Photograph in Ralph Northam's Yearbook: "I Can not Tolerate the Acts of His Past"


Virginia Police Governor Justin Fairfax reacted Saturday to the controversial photo featured on Governor Ralph Northam's Medicine Directory page in 1984, which showed a man dressed in Blackface and a another dressed in a hood and a KKK dress, claiming that the imaginary had "

While Fairfax did not explicitly call for the resignation of Northam, several other lawmakers, including several candidates in the 2020 presidency, had done so since the photo, but he could not "turn a blind eye to his actions." from his past. "He also stated that Northam had personally contacted him to express his regret.

The image of the yearbook is" an example of a painful plague that continues to haunt us today and prevents us from progressing satisfactorily. "," Fairfax, whose great-great-great-grandfather was a slave in Virginia, said in a statement posted on Twitter .

  Virginia's Lieutenant Governor, Justin Fairfax, expresses it during an interview in his office at the Capitol in Richmond, Va., On Saturday. Fairfax answered questions about the controversial photo in the directory page of Governor Ralph Northam

Virginia's Lieutenant Governor, Justin Fairfax, spoke at an interview Saturday in his office at the Capitol in Richmond, Virginia. Fairfax answered questions about the controversial photo in Governor Ralph Northam's directory page.
(AP Photo / Steve Helber)


"As we commemorate the 400th anniversary of the transfer of the first enslaved Africans to Virginia, it is painful to experience such a painful reminder of the original sin of our country," he said. continued. "And, as a person whose great-great-great-great-grandfather was enslaved in Virginia, this episode strikes particularly close to home."

The Democratic Governor Besieged A press conference on Saturday said that he was not on the racist photo despite his apologies for appearing on the photo a day earlier. However, he acknowledged darkening his face for another occasion the same year, when he dressed in singer Michael Jackson as part of a talent contest.

"When I was confronted with the image, I Was appalled by the fact that she appeared on my page, but then I believed and I now believe that I am not one of the people in this picture, "he told reporters at the governor's headquarters.

RALPH NORTHY BACKLASH YORKBOOK PHOTO: 3 things to know about the Governor VIRGINIA

He apologized for the photo appearing on his page, calling the image "offensive" and "racist" but said that he had nothing to do with the preparation of the directory and that he had not bought it.

Regarding his "Michael Jackson costume", Northam regrets "that I do not understand the harmful legacy of such action".

The photo was first published by Big League Politics on Friday and led to many officials urging him to resign. The governor continued Saturday to say that he would not leave his post despite the controversy.

Fairfax Saturday stated that he was delighted that Northam apologized, adding that the governor with whom he had been working for a long time had contacted him "to express his sincere regret and apologize. "


" Although his career has been marked by service to children, soldiers and voters, I can not tolerate the actions of his past that, at the very least, suggest comfort with the darker history of white supremacy, racial stereotyping and intimidation of Virginia, "Fairfax told the governor.

He added that Virginia and the country needed "leaders the ability to unite us and help us reach the best angels of our nature. "

Adam Shaw, Alex Pappas and Alexandra Pamias of Fox News contributed to the writing of this report.

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