Volkswagen to use Tesla batteries to charge electric cars


This should reduce the cost of charging electric vehicles.

Reuters Agency

The Volkswagen division, AG Electrify America, will install Tesla battery packs at more than 100 charging stations in the United States.

For example, you increase your energy consumption in a short time. When you charge an electric vehicle or multiple electric cars at one station, suppliers charge higher fees.

"If you are transferring to a customer on the high-demand payment market, charging a car can cost between $ 70 and $ 110. It's obviously nobody would buy a car" Reuters Brendan Jones, chief operating officer of Electrify America for Reuters, told Reuters. The technical director of Brendan Jones told the technical director of the infrastructure.

In addition to reducing costs for consumers, Electrify America will study the possibility of selling energy savings to reduce loads at charging stations.

Tesla Powerpack empires consume network power during tough times and store it for peak-hour use to avoid or reduce demand on demand. Electrify America will install most of its batteries in areas of the United States where many owners of electric vehicles own.

The lack of charging infrastructure is considered the main obstacle to the massive introduction of electric vehicles, as consumers remain concerned about their limited autonomy.

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