Volochkova showed how to dive into baptism


The scandalous Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, who flies in the air to show the "luxurious life" of the network, disappoints more and more folklore with her posts on Instagram. The artist continuously publishes advertisements, which is why his followers have begun to experience the well-being of their beloved. And the insane antics of Vlogochkova only frustrate even the most loyal fans. This time, he was no exception to the rule: Volochkova had again provoked a series of discussions from his supporters.

This time, Nastya decided in an original way to greet fans with epiphany in her style. To do this, as it should, Volochkova made a dip in the hole, more precisely in his favorite ice pile. On the ballerina's page, there were two videos on which she splits the ice in the police, standing in a frozen bikini. In the video's signature, Volochkov wrote: "I dive under the ice on the night of the baptism of water, and I am not completely frozen, everyone is baptized, and I will warm my kiss burning to a loved one.He himself is very cold to film this video, "writes the artist.

of course, did not go unnoticed by Anastasia's subscribers, users began to actively discuss it. Many pointed out to Voloshkov that she had never crossed the water before being submerged in the water. In addition, according to fans, the swimsuit is not suitable for such a sacrament.

"The baptism of the Lord is the sacrament of baptism and not the representation of a body without a body in the t-shirt, you are not on the beach! Fu!", "You see that it's cold, constantly shaking like a mouse, you just got drunk there, show me to say, see what I am, and it does not even harden, but just your p Yana Ponty "," Anastasia, well, you're orthodox, you have to dive into a special shirt, not in a moment "" The nurse is not cold "" Why did not you go through when it's submerged "" Can you after baptism suffer women Ohydnishe I have not seen in my life "- Write in comments to video

Recall Volochkova overheated in the Maldives and sit naked in the snow.

Previously, the portal "Know.u" reported that the vulgar Volochkova had gone to the monastery. their hairy friends.

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