Voronin: In Russia, many write and say something that is not close in Ukraine


Former attacker of the Ukrainian national team Andriy Voronin believes that Yaroslav Rakitsky has fully understood the consequences of the transition to Zenit

"I played in Russia, but I played while There was no such conflict between the two countries I have many friends

Rakitsky: In Ukraine, everyone sings the hymn, you have to learn them on the ground, not the lepers

There are very close friends, very worried about the situation., Which has developed between Russia and Ukraine.So I will say: between two people Oddi: They constantly ask me what is the situation in Ukraine

Honestly, in Russia, many people write and say something that is not close to Ukraine, it's true, I know, I arrived just four days ago. [19659003] Voronin: If the coach decides that Rakitsky must play for the Ukrainian national team, he will play

As for Rakitsky, I'm sure he's going to be doing politics. that he knew what he was going through. I am 100% sure. I even think that he knew that if he signed a contract with a Russian club, it could result in the consequences. He did it, did it consciously. With regard to the exclusion of the national team, there is the head coach Andriy Shevchenko. He must decide whether he calls the player or not ", – quotes Voronin sport-weekend.com .

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