Warner and Kaine urge Northam to resign because bailer fails to quell Dems' fury


  Virginia Governor Ralph Northam "title =" Virginia Governor Ralph Northam "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  Virginia Governor Ralph Northam claimed he was neither one nor the other other persons painted in black or dressed in a Ku Klux Klan dress on a photo Eddyman / Getty Images </p>
<p>  Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's public insistence Saturday on the fact that he did not appear on a racist photo from the page of his medical school yearbook has hardly reassured members of his own party – with the two US Democrats from the Commonwealth urging the governor to step down. </p>
<p>  "After attending At his press conference, we called on Governor Northam to tell him that we no longer believe that he can actually sit as Governor of Virginia and that he must resign. "Sense Mark Warner and Tim Kaine declared in a joint statement With representative Bobby Scott (D-Va.). </p>
<p class= The story continues below

"Governor Northam faithfully served the Commonwealth people for many years, but the event The last 24 hours have inflicted tremendous suffering and irrevocably broken the confidence that the Virginians must have in their leaders, "said lawmakers. "He should resign and allow the Commonwealth to start healing."

The only elected African-American governor of Virginia's history also explicitly called for Northam's resignation after his press conference held in the governor's residence on Saturday.

"Earlier, his choice was to continue to hold office with the Northam government," tweeted L. Douglas Wilder, who became in 1990 the first black governor of a US state since the Reconstruction.

"It is difficult for anyone who has watched the press conference today to conclude that there is no choice but to resign," Wilder wrote online.

In a remarkable appearance in front of reporters on Saturday afternoon, Northam claimed that he was neither one nor the other. other people represented in blackface or dressed in a Ku Klux Klan dress in the directory, although he said the day before that he was indeed on the photo. [19659004] Northam also revealed that he had already darkened his skin with waxing to perform in the role of Michael Jackson in San Antonio, show that he won after performing the star dance of the star of the deceased pop star.

"I believe that once and now I'm not either one of the people in this picture," said Northam, adding, "I recognize that many people will find this hard to believe," a- he confessed Friday because it was one of the subjects of the image.

Chairman of the National Democratic Committee To m Perez expressed disbelief in a statement issued as a result of the remarks of Northam.

"His past actions are completely antithetical to everything the Democratic Party defends," Perez said. "Virginians and citizens across the country deserve better from their leaders, and it is clear that Ralph Northam has lost their confidence and his ability to govern. "

Former Attorney General Eric Holder, future Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential race, tweeted after the press conference, claiming that he had "learned to recognize Ralph Northam as a good and very honest man," "the time had come for the governor to retire.

"I regret to conclude that he does not have the ability to effectively govern and defend the moral and political problems that Virginia and the nation face," wrote Holder Online.

Members of the Democratic Congress of Virginia, Gerry Connolly and Don Beyer, stated in a joint statement that, expecting Northam to resign Saturday morning, "nothing we have heard since we change our opinion that his resignation is the only way forward for the Commonwealth. [19659004] In a scathing statement of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus made public while Northam was addressing the media on Saturday, state lawmakers said their confidence in the governor had been "eviscerated."

Public admission and apology for his decision to appear on the photo, he irrevocably lost the faith and trust of the people for whom he had been elected. Changing her public narrative today leaves one more doubt about her ability to regain that trust, "said the caucus.

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), A member of the Democratic House leadership in the House, accused Northam of being dishonest with his constituents.

"Dear Ralph Northam: You now seem to lie about confusion", Location tweeted . "You wrote a caption under the racist photo. It refers to your interest in being a doctor and beer, which is on the picture. You knew exactly what you were doing with this picture. You must resign. "

On Saturday, Hillary Clinton, a former Democrat Democratic Party candidate, tweeted," It lasts too long. There is nothing to discuss. He must resign. "

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