Warren: Trump's # may not even be a free person & # 39; from here 2020


"By 2020, Donald Trump might not even be president," Warren told voters in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) meeting at the former Veterans Memorial. "In fact, he may not even be a free person."

This moment marked a noticeable change in tone for Warren, who was reluctant to confront Trump directly by name since she announced his exploratory campaign on New Year's Eve.

Warren explained these remarks to reporters at from an event in Iowa City, pointing out that the ongoing investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election of the special advocate Robert Mueller was ongoing.

"Well, how many investigations are there today?" It's no longer just the Mueller investigation, Warren said. "They are everywhere and they are serious investigations, so we'll see what happens."

When asked if she thought Trump should be dismissed, the senator said that it was important to see Mueller's findings first.

Warren, who repeated several times over the weekend that bigotry had no place in the oval office, also told reporters that she had already called Trump for being racist "several times".

"I do not think there is much doubt about it," she said.

Earlier in the day, the Massachusetts Democrat lamented to Cedar Rapids that the country is in a "dangerous moment" and that "what will happen in 2020 will determine the direction of our nation, the direction of our people. "

" Every day there is a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly, "said Warren of Trump." And what are we going to do, as candidates, as activists, the press, are we going to let him use that information to divide us? "

The answer to that question, Warren continued, was: to avoid the trap of engaging in every action of Trump. 19659002] "Here's how I see things: Donald Trump is not the only problem we have. Yeah. Donald Trump is a symptom of a severely damaged system, "Warren said." So, our job at the dawn of the next election is not just about reacting on a daily basis. It's about talking about what we understand as broken in our country, what needs to be done to change it and how we're going to do that because it's not just how we win, but how do we bring the change we need to make. "

A Warren campaign leader told CNN that the presidential candidate was not planning to engage in any of the areas tweet or Trump's attack as the 2020 season begins. Last month, Warren will continue to ignore much of his "daily efforts to divide and distract," said the official, noting that Warren wanted to use his first event of the day to explain his reasons.

Warren officially launched her campaign in Massachusetts on Saturday, in which she challenged the super-rich and called Trump "the most recent and extreme symptom of what's wrong with America."

Warren's weekend kick-off saw him officially join a growing number of Democratic presidential candidates as the group sought to resurrect. rser Trump

Eli Watkins of CNN contributed to this report. [ad_2]
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