Wartime decrees are still vexed, especially for Republicans


President Trump and House Republicans shut down part of the government in the hope of forcing Democratic senators to accept $ 5 billion worth of funding from the borders.

This error will surely turn against the GOP.

I do not call him a happy Liberal, but rather a Conservative economist in the federal budget who spent the last 17 years in the Washington trenches fighting to limit spending.

This is the fourth major government shutdown of the past 25 years. During the previous three closures, the party that had held the government finance bill hostage to new demands had been greeted by a vile public reaction that had inevitably led to humiliating capitulation.

Despite these past failures, Republican voters support the current closing-to-1 margin. As in the past, many conservatives – pushed by television personalities and aggressive television personalities – hope that closing the government to a large part of power could force democratic legislators to capitulate.

Instead, the judgments turn against us for four reasons:

First, they never succeed in obtaining the claim in question. The "Gingrich Closure" of 1995-1996 was intended to force President Clinton to accept major spending reforms. The "ObamaCare" decision of 2013 aimed to pressure President Obama to repeal his signature law.

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