Washington Post: Mueller's office caught off guard by BuzzFeed report on Trump


Special advocate Robert Mueller's office was unaware that it would be a central part of BuzzFeed's bomber report Thursday on President Donald Trump and his former personal attorney Michael Cohen when He would have been invited to comment, the Washington Post reported Saturday. [19659002] This is apparently why the bureau commented only after the release of the piece – and then stated in a rare public statement that the facts in the story were "inaccurate," according to the Post , citing unidentified insiders.

BuzzFeed is next.

BuzzFeed reported that the president had asked Cohen to lie to Congress for how long Trump had been involved in the negotiations of a Trump Moscow real estate project during his campaign. The story triggered calls for the resignation or dismissal of Trump.

Mueller's office declined to comment when a BuzzFeed reporter made contact with him, according to the newspaper. The reporter "made no reference" to Mueller's office, nor to "evidence that Mueller's investigators discovered," according to the Post.

The Post reported that Mueller spokesman Peter Carr had told others that he would have discouraged journalists from pursuing the case. Would this story have told him that Cohen told Mueller that Trump had told him to lie – or that Mueller had been made aware of the situation through interviews with witnesses from the Trump Organization, texts from Company and e-mails.

statement that Buzel's "description of specific statements" to Mueller and Mueller's "characterization of documents and evidence" are not accurate.

Cohen refused to "confirm or deny" the BuzzFeed report. Lanny Davis, Cohen's legal counsel, said Friday on MSNBC that Carr's statement was made public. Davis pointed out that Cohen had not "initiated" the story.

Ben Smith, editor of BuzzFeed, said Friday in a statement that the publication stands by his reports and urged Mueller to " clarify what he is challenging "

In a statement to Saturday, BuzzFeed said:" As we reconfirmed our reports, we have seen no indication that a specific aspect of our story is inaccurate. "

Trump welcomed Carr's statement on history. "A very sad day for journalists, but a great day for our country," he tweeted.

Read here the full article from the Washington Post for more details on what was going on behind the scenes at Mueller's office after the publication of BuzzFeed's story. 19659016]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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