Water pipes find a medieval sword | News about Gazeta.ua


In the city of Aalborg, in northern Denmark, was found a well preserved medieval sword.

Artifact was discovered by plumbing engineers in one of the central streets of the city during construction, reports N + 1.

Weapons date back to the 12th-14th centuries.

Author: N + 1

  A Sword Found In The City Center
A Sword Found In The City Center

Only a wealthy man could afford to buy this sword. . He weighs about a kilo. The length of the blade is 93 cm, the length of the entire sword is 112 cm.The guard and sword-shaped sword arm have been preserved.

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According to experts, the sword was probably very small

Author: N + 1

  In the city center, found a sword
In the city center, found a sword

According to museum staff, swords are usually found in aristocratic burials and not in the street. This artifact was found on the street in the cultural layer of the fourteenth century. It is assumed that the owner had left it in the ground during one of the battles and lost during a retreat or escape.

In the Spanish city of Aine, near Valencia, archaeologists have discovered a well preserved sword of the Middle Ages. The discovery was made during the conservation of the ruins of Ben Castle.

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