We check Sadovy, Boyko, Lyashko, Vilkul and Muraev


As part of a survey project on the election of President of Ukraine – #ObjectsButters – Radio Liberty publishes an analysis of statements of potential candidates for the post of chief of l & # 39; State. This week we reviewed the quote from Andriy Sadovy, Yuri Boyko, Oleg Lyashko, Aleksandr Vilkul and Yevgeny Muraev. Read about the initiative and the methodology here.

#ExcellentBefore. Number 1

Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy

Date: 24 January 2019

Source: Public Meeting in Kiev (58: 48-59: 05)

Quote: What is the level of GDP in Polish? It is 10 times higher than in Ukraine. What was in the 90s? We were 60. Today we are at the level of GDP? 130. And we are in 30th place, at the level of poverty. We are today the poorest country in Europe. "

Verdict: None of these claims is true.

Why? Poland is ahead of Ukraine in GDP, but not 10 times. the World Bank, at the end of 2017, the GDP of Ukraine was 112 billion, against 524.5 billion for the Poles.Under this indicator, Ukraine ranks 60th in the world. In 1990, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was ranked 33rd in terms of GDP.

In order to compare living standards, countries would correctly apply GDP at par with purchasing power by According to him, Ukraine in 2017 is ahead of 73 countries, including one of the European countries: Moldova

founder of "The platform of the opposition – for life", MP Yuriy Boyko

Date: January 30, 2019

Source: YouTube Channel "Opposition Block" (0:50 – 1:02)

Quote: "Even though 1 40 0 schools were closed last year, the number of teachers decreased by 14,000, but all is not enough. teachers in schools. "

Verdict: Manipulation.

Why? In Ukraine, 1,400 schools were closed and the number of teachers decreased by 14,000. However, according to the National Statistics Service , this is not actually produced "last year", but between the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year and the beginning of the 2017/1818 school year. [19659010] However, the number of students over the past 20 years has almost decreased twice: from 7 million to 3.8 million, or 45%, due to a significant decline in fertility in the 1990s At the same time, the number of schools rose from 22,100 to 16,500, only 25% (of which 1,700 villages in 2014-2015 were lost due to the annexation of Crimea and This means that there were fewer children per school – if between the years 1090 and 1991, there was an average of 327 children per year. At present, there are 227 children per school (13 children per teacher and 9 children per teacher respectively). 19659010] In addition, in Europe, a teacher has 15 to 17 students; in Ukraine, this figure is 8.9. In other words, it is necessary to improve the quality of teaching, especially by developing new forms of learning, such as distance learning.

Leader of the Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko, People's Deputy

Source: broadcast on channel "112 Ukraine" (31: 49-32). : 02)

Date: January 27, 2019

Quote: "Look at the volumes of coal, gas and peat production.They fall in. Coal – minus 40% of the extraction compared last year, the peat industry is generally purchased by imported gas. "

Verdict: The thesis of reducing the production of coal, gas and peat is false.


According to operational data of Naftogaz Ukrainy, the volume of natural gas extraction in Ukraine in 2018 increased by 500 million cubic meters (or 2%) compared to 2017. At the same time, imports of gas decreased by 24.8% last year.

Coal production also increases. According to the Parliamentary Committee on Fuel and Energy Complexes, in January-November 2018, 425.5 tonnes (1.4%) of coal were mined in Ukraine compared to the same period in 2017. [19659010] Summary information on the extraction of peat In 2018, the Ukrainian authorities have not yet indicated. At the same time, Ukrtorf, a state-owned company consisting of nine state-owned companies, reported producing 524,000 tonnes of peat in 2018 (compared to 516,000 tonnes in 2017).

Alexander Vilkul, MP, "Bloc of the Opposition"

Date: January 25, 2019

Source: "Today's program" broadcast on the television channel " Ukraine "(1: 58-2: 02)

" At least 50% of the current economy is in the shadow.

Verdict: false.

Why? In fact, there is no exact estimate of the underground economy, for example, according to various methods, MERC estimated that the underground economy was 20% to 47% in 2017 and of 32% in the first half of 2018, the latest IMF score of 42.9% in 2015, the Association of Chartered Accountants – 46.1% [19659009] Source: Deutsche Welle (21: 35-21: 45)


"If the choice is earlier Between Europe and Russia, about 40% of our citizens today believe that Ukraine should be non-aligned and neutral . "

Verdict : false

Why? Y It is likely that Muraev refers to the study of the" Rating "group, commissioned by IRI. According to him, 43% of respondents are Agree with the statement that "Ukraine should abandon its integration into the EU and its customs union with Russia." At the same time, 20% agree with the need to integrate the Customs Union and 58%, with the need to integrate into the EU.In other words, some of the interviewees chose two options at the same time, although

It is therefore correct to look at the poll, where only one answer is possible Ukrainian version of the security guarantee

According to the KIIS survey, 30.1% of respondents believe that Should not join the European Union or the Customs Union.


# Elec The Unfair is a reality the project of independent Ukrainian media, especially "Public Television", "Ukraine The Truth of the Truth", VoxCheck, "New Times", Kyiv Post and Radio Liberty. He verifies the credibility of the candidacy of the candidates for the presidency. The results are published every Monday and cover the statements of ten politicians who, according to polls, get the highest marks. Independent media can join the initiative as a participant or by republishing documents.

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