NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks during a press conference at a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, January 23, 2019. (Photo: Stephanie LeCocq, epa-efe)

President Donald Trump "is attached to NATO" and deserves credit for $ 100 billion more in defense spending for the alliance, the secretary general of the North Atlantic, Jens Stoltenberg Treaty Organization, said Sunday.

"President Trump was very clear: he is attached to NATO, he clearly stated it just a few days ago and at the NATO summit in July" said Stoltenberg in "Fox News Sunday".

Stoltenberg's comment contrasts with Democrats who fear Trump wants to withdraw from NATO and some fearing that it will undermine the military alliance, which would benefit Russian President Vladimir Putin .

An article in the New York Times earlier this month indicated that Trump had repeatedly told his associates that he wanted to withdraw from the alliance. In response to the report, Democrats called for a law requiring congressional approval of any attempt to exit NATO.

Trump was also criticized for his aggression when he insisted that the "delinquent" allies of the United States pay a larger share of the collective defense agreement. At the July summit, he asked other members to "increase" their contributions immediately.

Stoltenberg said that the difficult approach had paid off.

"We have agreed to do more to intensify our efforts – and we are now seeing the results, and by the end of next year, NATO allies will add 100 billion additional dollars to the defense, "he said. "So we see real money and real results, and we see that the clear message of President Donald Trump has an impact."

The President takes note of Stoltenberg's interview.

"NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has just stated that, thanks to me, NATO has been able to raise much more money than ever before, after many years of decline, "said Trump. "It's what's called load-sharing." In addition, more united. "

The president also said that Stoltenberg's interview had undermined the narrative of "Dems & Fake News" which "likes to describe the opposite" of its relations with NATO.

When asked he was afraid that Trump "is helping Putin to dissociate NATO," Stoltenberg said "What I see, is that in reality, NATO is united because we are able to adapt to meet our commitments." North America and Europe do more together than before. "

According to Stoltenberg, Trump helps us to "adapt the alliance we need because we live in a more unpredictable world".

"And you have to remember that the increase in defense spending by European and NATO allies comes after years of decline, before they cut billions, they add billions," he said. he declared.

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