We were deceived: stereotypes about zodiac signs


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The habit of hanging shortcuts and the tendency to form stereotypes are at the heart of human nature. It's easier for us to structure information from the outside world and you can not do anything here. But, okay, it's unpleasant when someone treats you as lazy, selfish or weak, depending solely on your zodiac sign. Ukr.Media.


It is thought that Aries is the most aggressive sign of the zodiac, which is still trying to engage in conflict, as the hero of "Hard Nut". Of course, it's a myth. The representatives of this sign live according to the golden rule of morality: "do with others as you would with you". Rare Aries will lower the image of his person on the brakes, but if the companion abstains from rudeness, the "lamb" will show restraint even in a heated debate. It is supposed that it is better that the representatives of this sign rest in front of the television and do nothing. Not at all. If you think so, do not just face the goal of Taurus, which can transform the mountains. Just a typical bull knows the price of time. He is an opponent of unnecessary effort and will count hundreds of times for and against before continuing.


The representatives of the Twins are likely to hear often in their speech the epithet "wicked", and astrologers do not warn in any way do not believe the twins because they bet on the first opportunity. In fact, these children of Elemental Air know very well that our world divided into black and white is impossible. They do not hold their minds for the only true, and will change it easily if they hear intelligent arguments.


Cancers – nurses and healers? Do not confuse sensitivity with tepidity. This brand has increased intuition and magnificent empathy and not only feels all the nuances of others' emotions, but also transmits them through oneself. It's both a gift and a curse – sometimes, Cancer just wants to escape other people's problems and emotional throws and stop being a vest for loved ones.


Glory in front of his immense Lviv. But are they really as narcissistic as they speak? Yes, this sign likes to be in the center of attention, listen to compliments and feel envious. The lion takes a lot, but gives as much. As a wise leader, he sees his vocation to help others and is happy only when his "people" are happy, that is to say people belonging to a closed circle. Leo distinguishes the breadth of the soul, generosity and nobility, and is unlikely to be the inherent qualities of narcissism.


If at the mention of the Virgin in your head is represented the image of cynicism-misanthrope, you are only partially right. Representatives of this brand rarely have empty evenings. But it's not an internal gossip. Simply, they do not see any particular meaning in meaningless conversations and in a society with people who are not interested in them. The Virgin, man or woman, is used to spending time for the benefit of reason, the soul and the body. If she perceives a related soul, she will remove the mask of the wolf.


Scales are considered as people who want to please "us and you" and rush to make decisions. One can blame them for some indecision, but not because of the desire to please everyone. It's just that Libra has a deep sense of justice, and they are afraid of making the wrong decision because they will have to justify themselves in the future in front of their conscience.


Scorpions have gathered a host of negative stereotypes: in the eyes of the public, they are brutal people who do not trust anyone. apart from themselves, they can put their heads in their own interest and not feed them with bread – let someone humble himself. Is it true? A typical Scorpio is a precocious man who hides the weak spots behind the facade of cynicism and oppression. Most likely, in the distant past, he burned, not trusting man, and this pain still haunts him unconsciously. In Scorpio, it's really hard to control his anger, but the sadistic pleasure of "flogging" others – it's certainly not about him. After the onset of emotions, he will probably criticize himself for his rudeness and distraction.


"Sagittarius is an infinite source of positives"? The shooters will not agree with this statement. From the side, it may seem that these children still have fire, all "in the open air". In fact, they cleverly hide the pain of the eyes of others – they do not want to clutter their problems. By the way, it is inadvisable to feel the sympathy reserve of the arrow – they can be sharp on the tongue and the arrows of their sarcasm are very painfully hurt. cold manipulators, obsessed with power. It seems that Capricorns are more prone to suffer from the famous "Wachter syndrome". Well, maybe they can be exposed to a kind of carelessness and indifference, but in general they relate to new people in their lives with kindness, do not rush to take them into their world – do not just do not see the meaning. As far as the "possession of power" is concerned, Capricorn is simply a workaholic and demands the same serious attitude towards the duties of others.


"Aquarius – A Useless, Frivolous Life – No, No, and No Time Yet Element of Air encircles the representatives of this sign in the realm of new ideas, knowledge and business." life is so short, but it is so interesting, "says Aquarius, trying to tempt whatever the world can offer.


Neptune's protections have had an unpleasant shortcut:" Invertebrates that can not not to stand up. "The fish really do not like to discuss and spend energy on the negative.It is easier for them to accept than to convince a person of his wrongdoing." Why pay for pearls before pigs? "- It's the fish's point of view .However, this sign has a strong inner core, so if it's about something really important, the fish will will fight to the end.

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