What are Ukrainian tomos different from others?


The Autocephaly Tomos of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church were held on December 7 at the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, attended the Christmas liturgy.

Tomos was brought to Kiev on Sunday, January 6, after the ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul handed the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Fanari to the president to recognize it. Metropolitan Epiphanes newly formed in Ukraine. The two presidents served together the service of God.

An official translation of the autocephalous tomos of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has already been approved and published.

Tomos is a religious document. Previously, tomosomes were decrees made for various reasons, but in recent centuries, tomosome names are statements of recognition of church independence in one region or another. On the basis of tomos, the new church forms its own charter – the constitution of the church.

  Tomos of Autocephaly for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Istanbul, January 5, 2019

Tomos of Autocephaly for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Istanbul, January 5, 2019 [19659007InOrthodoxytherearenow15independentchurches-therewereonly14UkrainianonesSomeofthemhavebeenformedinantiquitysomehavebecomeindependentquiterecentlyseparatedfromtheoldonesHoweverthetomoseshaveonlyeightseparatechurches

The Real Time website – a joint project of Radio Liberty and Voice of America – attempted to compare the tomos of the Ukrainian church with similar documents from other Orthodox churches.

The uniqueness of the tomos delivered by the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is that this document clearly defines the boundaries of the new church. Outside of Ukraine, it is now forbidden to create one's own community. In other words, Ukrainian diaspora communities (Europe, United States, Canada) come under the control of the ecumenical patriarch. (This rule is governed by the old church rules: local churches should only function in their canonical territory.All the diasporas of the world are under the ecumenical patriarch's omophore.In practice, this rule is often violated, mainly by the Russian Orthodox Church.)

For the first time in Tomos prescribed the role of the Patriarch of Constantinople as the supreme appeal body in matters of controversy. Previously, it had to go without saying.

There are clauses in tomos that do not allow to change the status of the church, the title of its leader or the status for which it lives. This can only be done in accordance with Constantinople.

All tomoses are different from each other. The history of the church is sometimes taught in tomos. Thus, in the Serbian tomos, the story of the emergence of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is described in great detail. The same is true for the Polish Orthodox Church, as well as for churches in the Czech and Slovak countries.

  • Tomas Albanian The church, established in 1937, is unique in that it expressly states the promise made by the secular authority to guarantee freedom the rights of believers Orthodox. In Albania, the Orthodox are a minority and the local authorities have obtained the independence of their church, thanks to this promise inscribed in the tomos.
  • In the tomos Romanian that she received in 1885, that the independence of the local church turned towards Constantinople with the request "his majesty , the king of Romania and his royal government ".
  • In 19459003, Greece was published in 1850 at the official request not only of the government but also of the local clergy. also believers. This article is contained in the tomos of this church. The Greek document is also unique in that it gives the local synod the power to record the divorce of the faithful. At that time, all those who wished to divorce had to turn to Constantinople.
  • In Tomsk Ukrainian mentions the head of the new Epiphanian church and the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko
  • in the documents of the Greek, Albanian and Polish Orthodox churches. , the churches of the Czech and Slovak countries indicated that they were receiving a special oil for churches – of the world (19459004) – only from Constantinople. Miro is used, for example, at the baptism or the consecration of new temples. Other churches can do the miro themselves or get it from Constantinople, but their tomos are not mentioned. The new Orthodox Church of Ukraine will receive a miro of Constantinople.

Tomosy gathers the name of the new church as well as the title of its leader. In the majority of tomos, the highest authority is given to the Synod, a collegial body composed of several bishops – a bit like the cabinet.

In all the tomos, it is said that after the election of a new head of church, he must send letters to the heads of other churches – a similar powers and establishment diplomatic relations between states

Each document states that: the newly formed church, and especially its leader, should "maintain the orthodox faith".

After the festive liturgy in Sofia on January 7, the tomos is moved for public viewing in the Refectory Church (Little Sofia).

Tomos will be presented for a general overhaul only from January 7 to 19 at 7 pm, said Father Peter, the church chief, on Liberty radio.

A paper written in Greek on Athos at Athos, placed between thick layers of glass. Take pictures of Tomos allows.

To see Tomos, came hundreds of people, the line of those who wanted to build well beyond the gates of Sophia of Kiev.

Above the publication were Dmitry Gorevoy, Lyudmila Vannek.


  Drawing of the artist Alexei Kustovsky

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  The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew distributes packages of chocolates Roshen factory. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur.

Ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew with packets of chocolates from Roshen's factory. During a meeting with children, he jokingly said that he had taken the Ukrainian president for autocephaly, not money, but sweets and chocolates. He explained that Poroshenko has a chocolate factory and, like US President Donald Trump, is an entrepreneur. "Although the Russian church accuses me of taking money for this autocephalous, I did not take money, but a lot of candies and chocolates from there. Plant, Poroshenko, "said Patriarch Bartholomew. After that, he distributed candies to the children who had come to charm in the residence of the patriarch. Istanbul, December 24, 2018
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