What Yanukovych said at the press conference: the main theses


On February 6, President Viktor Yanukovych gave a press conference in the Russian capital. Yanukovych speaks of politics and a verdict recently handed down by the Obolonsky court in Kiev.

The Yanukovych press conference was scheduled at 1 pm and started at the scheduled time. It is devoted to "current affairs of Ukrainian politics" and takes place at the press center of MIA "Russia Today".

See also: Yanukovych Press Conference: Online Broadcast

Yanukovych immediately pointed out that he was "closely watching the events unfolding in Ukraine." The fugitive's chairman managed to comment the events of EuroMaydan

From the aggression of Russia

"Revolutions are not good for states and citizens living in these territories. They are only ruin, deterioration of life, hatred, filth and lies, "he said.

Events of 2014 Yanukovych again called the" coup d'etat ". Yanukovych estimated that these tragic years were "the darkest pages of the life of Ukraine at the time of an independent state." He also accused the Ukrainian authorities of "violations of the Constitution".

Today, they organize procedures that can not be described as courts, just such theatrical representations,
– said the fugitive president.

Yanukovych believes that the war on the Donbass the occupation of Crimea and the subsequent aggression of Putin – the wine of the "Kiev authorities".

"Ukraine has become a pivot of war and instability, which spreads to other territories of other states. This conflict involved European countries, the United States and Russia. ", – said Yanukovych.

Yanukovych states that with

" My lawyers have handed over documents (from 5 January to 24th channel) to open an investigation, which is actually responsible for the loss of Crimea ",

In the church [19659006] commented on Yanukovych and the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, describing autocephaly as "great sin".

"All that happened in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate – Canal 24) was aimed at division, hostility and hatred," – Yanukovych convinces.


Chodo of the presidential and legislative elections Yanukovych announced that "90% of the Ukrainians polled do not believe in his blame".

The verdict, of course, writes for the dictation of power. has absolutely nothing to do with the law Violent violations of the Code of Criminal Procedure, all based on lies and hatred
he said,

Yanukovych, on the other hand, described the case as an attempt to disrupt "peaceful arrangements". Instead, in executions, he again blamed the Ukrainian authorities. According to him, "Parubi used automatisms and said how to do everything perfectly".

About Medvedchuk

Moreover, Yanukovych complained of threats "that are now arriving very often". In particular, such a fugitive president considers threats to Medvedchuk.

"He always had his position on all issues – and he expressed it – very often, I did not agree with this position," he said. .

The news is completed …

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