What's going on at a massive black hole in the center of the galaxy, or "Einstein was right" – Channel 5


On Thursday, July 26, an international group of scientists said that after many years of observing the interaction of a supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy with the stars surrounding, we can state that Einstein was right with his general theory of relativity. This is reported by LIGA.net

around (probably) a large black hole Sagittarius A * (Sgr A *), which is about 4.3 million times heavier than the Sun and is 26 thousand light years away from the Earth, turns several dozens of stars. From time to time, they approach and move at a dangerous distance, accelerating and slowing down according to the distance to the black hole

The behavior of one of these S2 stars, according to which scientists are already observing more than 20 years, was consistent with theoretical calculations and confirmed Albert Einstein's description of the fabric of space-time and the universe as a whole [19659005]

Scientists from the European Southern Observatory publish accelerated recordings of the movement of stars. span 20 years This area of ​​space is constantly surrounded by clouds of gas dust, so it is not possible to see anything in a regular telescope – only in a powerful radio telescope. In addition, they unveiled mathematical diagrams and simulations of what is happening at the center of the galaxy.

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