White House delegation cancels trip to Davos


"For the sake of the 800,000 large American workers who do not receive a salary and for his team to help, President Trump has canceled his delegation's trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland," said Sanders in a statement.

President Donald Trump had previously canceled his own trip to Davos. The trip without Trump would have been led by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Deputy Chief of Staff Policy Co-ordination Chris Liddell were also scheduled to visit Switzerland for the annual economic conference .

"Due to the intransigence of the Democrats Border security and the great importance of security for our nation, I respectfully cancel my very important trip to Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum", said Trump earlier this month. "My most sincere greetings and apologies to @WEF!"

This annual conference brings together powerful leaders, finance ministers and other members of the world's elite.

The announcement comes hours after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denied her use of a military plane for a trip to Afghanistan with a congressional delegation issuing criticism of the upcoming trip from the government abroad scheduled for 22-25 January.

It can be difficult to arrange a trip abroad for cabinet officials amidst a government stop. Some members of the preparatory teams are on leave, making planning and logistics difficult.

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