Who destroyed the military capabilities of the armed forces in 1991 – 2014: all defense ministries are suspected


In Ukraine, they plan to conduct an investigation into "the indiscriminate destruction of the military capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces", which took place between 1991 and 2014. With the help of such actions, they intend to determine who, among all the former defense ministers and chiefs of staff, became the generator of the aforementioned processes.

This was revealed by the results of the session of the Verkhovna Rada Temporary Investigation Committee in which it reported on events in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. and the Attorney General, Yuriy Lutsenko, has undermined the defense of the state between 2004 and 2017.

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Share In particular, the GPU noted that late 1991, on the territory of Ukraine, after the collapse of the USSR, it remained a strategic grouping of troops in the three military districts. Thus, in the territory of Ukraine there were three total armies and two tanks, one army corps, four air armies, a separate air defense army , an army of missiles, the Black Sea fleet of the SSRC, two missile warning system units and other military formations.

The total number of personnel was greater than 800,000 soldiers. In addition, there were 6,500 tank units, 7,000 armored vehicle units, 1,500 aircraft, 350 ships, 1272 warheads intercontinental ballistic missiles

. Ukraine was a nuclear power – it had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world after the United States and Russia. Its base was five divisions of the 43rd Missile Army of the former USSR. The arming of the Ukrainian army also included strategic and stationary land-based complexes in the mines (UR-100N missiles and RT-23 UTTK), Mobile Rocket ("Pioneer" and "Pioneer-UTTKh") In general, Ukraine had 176 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 2,500 tactical nuclear weapons. And in the air force, there were 44 strategic bombers (25 Tu-95MS and 19 Tu-160) that could carry nuclear weapons.

 Armed Forces, Army, Weapons, Weapons, GPU Lutsenko
Situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR

most military experts, this potential was sufficient for the creation of powerful national armed forces, solution of social problems, including housing. The realization of surplus goods, armaments and military equipment has enabled us to obtain sufficient funds for the modernization of the armed forces. According to the world experience of military construction and military science, in times of peace, the optimal number of armed forces should represent about 1% of the state's population. Thus, the unjustified reduction of troops in Ukraine led to a significant reduction in the country's defense capacity
Lutsenko said.

During the research on the reform and development of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Committee of Experts arbitrarily distributed the chronology of the facts: The First Step (1991-1996). The defense ministers during this period were Constantine Morozov (3 September 1991 – 4 October 1993), Vitaliy Radetsky (8 October 1993 – 25 August 1994), Valery Shmarov (October 10, 1994 – July 8, 1996), Alexander Kuzmuk (July 11, 1996 – October 24, 2001). This stage is characterized by the efforts of the highest politico-military authorities of the state to organize the management of troops remaining on the territory of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR. Through disarmament measures, including the abandonment of tactical nuclear weapons, conditions have been created to gradually reduce the combat capability of the Ukrainian armed forces.

 Armed Forces, Army, Weapons, Weapons, Weapons, GPU, Lutsenko, Ministers of Defense
in Ukraine in 1991 – 2001

The Second Stage ( 1997-2005). Alexander Kuzmuk (11 July 1996 – 24 October 2001, 24 September 2004 – 3 February 2005), Ministers of Defense, Volodymyr Shkidchenko (12 November 2001 – 25 June 2003), Yevgeny Marchuk (June 25, 2003 – September 23, 2004), Anatoliy Gritsenko (February 4, 2005 to December 18, 2007). This stage is characterized by a reduction in the number of soldiers, the formation of a new structure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and an attempt to create an effective defense management system in Ukraine.

 Armed Forces, Army, Weapons, Weapons, Firearms, GPU, Lutsenko, Ministers of Defense
State of Armaments in Ukraine in 2001-2004 [à la suite de la prolongation de la réduction déraisonnable de la taille des forces armées, du processus de réduction systématique du niveau d'efficacité des forces armées] The Third Stage (2006-2009). The defense ministers during this period were Anatoly Gritsenko (4 February 2005 – 18 December 2007), Yuriy Yekhanurov (18 December 2007 – 5 June 2009), Valery Ivashchenko (June 5, 2009 to March 11, 2010). This step is characterized by an attempt to improve the regulatory framework by clarifying the doctrine documents on the organization of the preparation and use of the Ukrainian armed forces. At the same time, the process of systematically reducing the level of combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian Armed Forces as a result of continued unsystematic reduction efforts by the armed forces has been considerably deepened.

 Armed Forces, Army, Weapons, Weapons, GPUs, Lutsenko, Ministers of Defense
State of Armaments in Ukraine – 2010s

Fourth Stage (2010-2014). ) The defense ministers of this period were Valery Ivashchenko (June 5, 2009 – March 11, 2010), Mikhail Yezhel (March 11, 2010 – February 8, 2012), Dmitry Salamatin (8 February 2012 – 24 December 2012), Pavel Lebedev (24 December 2012 – 27 February 2014). This is one of the most difficult stages of operation of the armed forces, characterized by the fact that, under the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the command of the armed forces, the main provisions of the principles of theory martial art are ignored, experience of previously obtained results of the reform of the armed forces of Ukraine.

[1945912] [19459] 2014 years old

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At the same time the fourth stage of the reform of the armed forces was conditionally divided into three periods:

194 59002] The first period (2010-2011) is characterized by the dissolution of the Joint Operational Command (CSO) and the Support Forces Command (APC) of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It was established that dismantling the COO had virtually destroyed the strategic operational level of the armed forces structure and disrupted the state's defense management at the strategic operational level. The lack of strategic operational body and military leadership was one of the main organizational problems of the defense of territorial integrity of Ukraine in 2014.

Due to the dismantling of the UÇK, the armed forces were deprived of command of the troops, who would be able to form a cross-species group of troops, organize its training, plan the operation of this group of troops and carry it out.

According to the results of the research, it was found that in early 2014, the mobile phone The military units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the operational, strategic and operational levels were completely paralyzed. The staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had to rush to form the headquarters of the ATO in the Donetsk oblasts and Luhansk in 2014 (to a certain extent an analogue of the OCO), which has acquired operational capabilities to manage interspecific and interdepartmental troop forces already during the operation (combat operations). [19659027] The Committee of Experts concluded that the dismantling of the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Support Force had resulted in the loss of centralized management of the armed forces staffing system in peacetime and during the preparation and conduct of operations. The lack of centralized management of the logistic and operational support system subsequently led to the disruption of logistical and operational support for the troops, which led to the spontaneous development of the volunteer movement during the initial period of time. 39, use of the Armed Forces against illegal armed groups in Donetsk oblasts and Luhansk in 2014,
– noted Lutsenko

The second period (2012) is characterized by a disorganization of the state's air defense system, the revision of the military-administrative framework unfounded changes in the system of mobilization and planning of the transfer of armed forces to the "three-tier management system" which essentially created the conditions for the critical imbalance of the command and control system of troops (forces) in operation. The measures were planned and implemented without taking into account Ukrainian laws, CMU regulations and subordinate legal acts.

At that time, the structural units of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the military research institutes and the command of the armed forces began a gradual transition towards the development of certain temporary posts. Guidance documents prepared for the "legalization" of decisions of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were not in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, to the theory of war art and experience of wars and military conflicts

The above-mentioned decisions, adopted by the officials of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense. Staff in 2012, have had a negative influence on the organization of the fight against the occupation of Crimea and eastern territories of Ukraine. And the creation of a separate operational command in Crimea, which resulted in all military units deployed on its territory, was transferred to the command of the Navy Command, artificially violating the control systems of the Navy. unified air defense, territorial defense and mobilization, preventing commanders of the armed forces from performing tasks in the peninsula.

The third period (2013-2014) is characterized by the completion of the dismantling of the army corps as the basis of the operational and tactical level of the structure of the corps. Ukrainian armed forces, as well as by the disruption of the system. We control the troops at all levels – brigades to the types of Ukrainian armed forces (with the exception of the air forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces).

These years are also characterized by the efforts of the organizers of defense planning to artificially allocate the Ukrainian armed forces into three distinct orders, must be formed by interspecific and territorial principle under the direction of the respective commanders

The investigation plans to obtain a certain amount of expertise and we are now working on obtaining the documents on the basis of which the lists have been drawn up of your surplus assets signed by the Minister of Defense. Only together, you can give an estimate of the main perpetrator of this indiscriminate destruction of the military potential of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,
– summed up the head of the GPU

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According to the spokesman of Attorney General Larysa Sargan, was suspected of former ministers Yezhel, Lebedev and Salamatin . According to her, hysteria and political accusations are another seat of the former minister. However, she did not specify who was targeted by this lawsuit.

It was the defense ministers who initiated the transfer of tanks, aircraft, bombs and rifles into so-called surplus assets. After the decision of the Council of Ministers, which was then sold at residual prices 10 to 20 times lower than the market value,
– said Sargan.

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