Who entered the Potap team during 3 blinded audition shows


The Voice of the Country-9 coach brought together two singers on his team.

During the third day of blind listening to the vocal program, Voice of the country-9 Potap invited two talented singers – Natalia Povstyun and Valentina Kolakovsky to his team

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Natalia Povstyana

Natalia came to the stage with the voice of the country with the song Tina Karol, the force of the heights. The girl was already blindly participating in listening to the children's voices, but had no member of the team. The member of the voice of the country's voice came to take revenge. Shot the armchairs of three men and chose Potap .


Valentine Singer of two cover bands: Khaiskor and Positive Band. I came to the voice because I am convinced that he has something to say. At present, he has already collected enough copyrighted material to share it with others. Turn the seat of Potap and continue to participate in the voice of the country 9.

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