Why Android updates do not make sense and will not benefit you


Stable and optimized software support, which today provides regular updates, is a guarantee of success for smartphone manufacturers. If the provider publishes regular security patches and does not delay the adaptation of the new versions of Android, it is probably a fame and a respect. But it should announce its refusal to continue to support the device, because users start to write petitions and threaten the departure of their competitors. Why all this is not worth the egg, we will try to understand it.

First, let's examine the deep quality of a phenomenon as an upgrade. An important element of the importance of the update as such is the psychological installation of the consumer, which can be formulated with the phrase "the update makes my new smartphone". It's quite natural, because if our device is not out of sight of the manufacturer and it always fits the new versions of Android, then the smartphone is powerful enough to get the latest features. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

The new Android features are not suitable for everyone

Remember the Digital Wellness feature, designed to help users combat smartphone addiction. For some unknown reason, Google has limited its action to Pixel and Android One devices, blocking it for all other devices. Is it strange? In contrast, the search giant has proved that it was not necessary to have the most advanced smartphone to regularly access the most advanced innovations of Android OS.

The iPhone as an example of update of use

But even if Google had the manufacturers to keep their smartphones longer, allowing them to upgrade for two years and at least four years, it would be better not to become one. Here is an example of an iPhone that, although upgraded for five consecutive years, begins to malfunction in the third year, thus confirming the assumption that you should not touch what normally works.

Google Play is more important than you thought

The next thing to keep in mind when you are discussing such a delicate subject as an upgrade is the only thing you can do. app store. It turns out that users who have not received a new Android version of the smartphone or who have received it, but have not benefited from unclear constraints, always turn to Google Play. Over the years of the catalog 's existence, millions of diverse apps have been used to replicate the latest innovations from Android. Get the same ActionDash that copies almost exactly Digital Wellbeing and even works on older smartphones with an outdated operating system. So why in this case do you need updates? In the interest of Cypherc in the settings?

Update – No Security

The last pillar on which the value of updates is based is security. Google publishes monthly vulnerability reports that allow attackers to elevate privileges and remotely exploit arbitrary code on the device. It is even more difficult to find the benefit of these corrections in practice than to understand this wording on the ears. But even with security patches and some kind of protection, there's always an idiot who will launch a Trojan on a smartphone and complain about the terrible Android security system. But no reason, since there is a one-hundred percent anti-attack rule: download apps from Google Play only, read reviews, use a VPN and, if possible, avoid Wi-Fi access points. Public Fi.

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