Why does Europe refuse diesel? And how will this affect Ukraine / New Time


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European cities refuse cars with diesel engines

Pixabay / Antranias

Some European countries are already abandoning diesel. Diesel and Europe

In almost thirty cities in Germany, it is forbidden to enter the central part of the cars for diesel fuel. Exception – diesel cars meeting the Euro 6 standards. There are less than three million cars of this type in all of Germany.

In the United Kingdom, since 2040, new gasoline and diesel cars are banned, according to the Air Force. To reduce carbon monoxide emissions, a £ 255 million fund will be created in the UK. These funds should be used to solve the problems caused by emissions from diesel cars.

Previous strategies did not help reduce pollution

The British government also agreed on a clean air strategy. Government officials admitted that previous campaigns had been unsuccessful. They do not help reduce the level of pollution of the environment

In France, they said they would refuse cars running on gasoline and diesel until 2040. To this end, financial incentives will be offered to the French. The government will notably guarantee the replacement of a diesel car on a new or completely new used car.

The Swedish car group Volvo also announced the suspension of production of gasoline-powered cars from 2019.

In Norway, by 2025, all new cars must be electric. One of the main ways to achieve this goal is the release of VAT from owners of such cars, the possibility of free use of toll roads and highways, the possibility of taking routes to public transport and free parking in the city center.

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Diesel and car manufacturers

Due to the increasing requirements for diesel engines, companies are gradually refusing to issue a automobile with a power system of this type. That's what Radio HB, editor and editor of the AUTO-Consulting Internet portal Victor Stelmakh, said.

German ecologists got the ban on diesel fuel

. They have already refused to create a diesel engine company, Porsche. Others, including Japanese companies Nissan and Toouota, have also announced similar plans. The intention of the car manufacturers also affected the "diesel engine" Voklswagen. Then, it turned out that the German giant of the car had sold the car with software, which allowed to circumvent the test of emission of harmful substances coming from the exhaust of the cars with diesel engine. But it is not the only reason.

"First of all, many German cities want to ban the entry of diesel cars into their market and want to ban the entry of diesel cars to Paris, Barcelona, ​​Madrid and other cities, and more importantly – This is because the German Association of Environmental Defenders has won the historic process of banning diesel fuel in general, and in cities where environmental pollution exceeds acceptable European standards, "said Stelmakh.

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Diesel and Ukraine

The owners of diesel cars will eliminate them massively, likely to sell at a lower cost, added Stelmakh He agrees with the representative of U + S in Ukraine and teacher of the National University of Construction and Architecture of Kiev, Dmi Try Bespalov.

The denial of diesel in the EU will cause a deterioration of the trend in Ukraine

Among the reasons for the rapid growth in the number of private transport, it calls the mass import of cheap european car and lack of alternative form of public transport

While Europe tries to restrict the use of private cars, the level of motorization increases in Ukraine , added the coma in the coma Entrepreneur of the radio, NV Bespalov

"In Kiev, we already anticipate a number of cars twice as large by 2025. We have a very strong demand for passenger cars in our society. You see it also in the Euro-meters. All Ukrainians do not really want Public Transport: Europe experienced such problems in the 1970s. We will first see all these problems, that is to say we have an average journey of two hours, a bad environment, many lung diseases. And only then will we start doing like Europe, "said Bespalov.

A rejection of diesel in the EU will result in a deterioration of all existing trends in Ukraine. the number of cars per thousand will not exceed 300. Pessimist – there will be 450 cars per 1,000 inhabitants, Bespalov added, in 2017 this figure rose to 257 cars per 1,000 Ukrainians

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