Why is Nordic polar radiation different from the southern one?


Scientists for a long time did not understand why the solar wind flow causes the different poles of the Earth's aurora borealis, which are significantly different from each other. Now find the answer

Northern Lights (pictured) and his lesser known brother -. Southern Lights – appear as a wavy stream of greenish or reddish glow near the polar regions of the Earth. They are similar but not identical. For a long time, scientists have broken their heads, and that is why they seem to have found the answer.

Aurora – a "solar wind" of the breakthrough of charged particles, produced by the Sun through the magnetic field of our planet. Since these particles are moving along symmetrical lines inside the field connecting the north and south poles, it makes sense to conclude that they mirror another mirror. However, in 2009 recorded two simultaneous light on both poles. and they are different from each other

For a selected analysis 10 asymmetric images taken simultaneously at both poles The researchers found that when the solar wind approaching .. earth from an east-west direction, it creates uneven pressure on the magnetic tail of the earth and tilt it in the direction of the planet, which at that time wrapped in the dark. Such an inclination affects the shape and location characteristics of the north and south shades. The results are published in Geophysical Research. Space Physics

 Why North Aurora Is Different From The South

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