Why is the return to Milevsky in Kiev "Dynamo" the ideal option for all


Dinamo has finished its winter training and is ready to resume the season

Before the start of Dynamo's decisive fights, we analyze the main problem of the Kiev club and its theoretical solution. actually between a before. If before, it was Artem Beseedin, who now heals a heavy injury, it is the Spaniard Fran Salt. How to play Eurocups, UPL and the Cup of Ukraine without real competition in the line of attack – is unknown. It is interesting to note that during the waves of discussions about the problems of "Dynamo" with the known and known speculators of Kiev fans, the agent of the forerunner of Kiev Artem Milevsky – Alexander Pankov. One of his last posts provocatively compares the effectiveness of "Miles" in Dynamo Brest and the Spanish newcomer: "The boar (Milevsky, aut.) Played 170 minutes and gave three assistants. gave and scored Salt for 5 games in Spain? "

Of course, everyone praises" his swamp ", but the words of the agent are logical. The Belarusians have played in meetings with fairly decent rivals: Al Jazeera, Shanghai SIPG and Guangzhou. We can say that Milevsky is doing well. So let's call the arguments that prove that the return of the football player to the Kiev club, even though it is now almost unrealistic, is the best solution to the problem of Alexander Khatskevich.

Lack of alternative. Artem Beseedin will long recover from the trauma of the Achilles tendon. It is unlikely that Nazarius Rusin and Vladislav Supryag will compete with Milevsky and his experience. It is very difficult to organize a quality transfer to President Igor Surkis. And the same Artem Milevsky is ready to walk to Kiev if he receives the offer. And we think the pay issue is not the key.

efficiency. Of course, against a middleweight championship of Belarus, the attacker can easily look "in shape". In Kiev, other tasks and a much more competitive environment. However, one can clearly say that in his "team", Milevsky quickly becomes a leader. In the Hungarian championship, the striker practically did not play. After returning to Brest, he immediately sent three assistants. So, even if counting only numbers, "Mila" is rather attractive.

Versatility of the position. Milevsky can play, both at the turn and under the attack of Fran Solem. And the Spaniard is the striker who needs the "last pass". As shown in the training bout, the Dynamo midfielder does not qualitatively serve the attacker's attacks. So, here, Artem Milevsky, who understands football like no one would spoil cereals.

Attractive images. Forward is the football player on whom "fans go". His non-standard game has always attracted fans. Even in scandalous times, the Kievites were waiting for a way to get to Milevsky's property.

In summary, we can say that the probability of Art Milevsky's return to Dynamo Kyiv is minimal, but that such an approach seems rather interesting. ) {
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