Why marijuana is sick with cancer: an explanation from the oncologist


Kanabis is used in the treatment of cancer, not only as an analgesic, but also as a remedy for nausea.

The advantage of cannabis is that it has an analgesic effect and an effect against nausea . But it can not be used without other painkillers, because cannabis has a moderate analgesic effect, said Yonc Kondratsky, a Phase I oncologist

. The fact that the overdose of with this drug is virtually impossible so that the patient will not need constant monitoring.


According to the doctor, is currently used in medicine to relieve pain. Amadol and morphine, but both drugs addictive, require a constant increase in dose and may cause overdose, sometimes resulting in death

On January 30, they filed a petition for legal authorization to discontinue cannabis at medical purposes; it can be signed on the site of VRU .

The Legalization of Marijuana in the World

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