Wilbur Martinez-Guzman, suspect in four murders in Nevada, could be illegally in the United States


RENO, Nev. – Authorities who investigated four recent homicides in northern Nevada said that charges of murder were pending against a man suspected of murder. to be illegally in the United States.

Wilbur Martinez-Guzman, 19, was arrested Saturday in Carson City. detained for possession of stolen property, burglary and immigration charge.

The authorities claim that they expect that charges of murder will be laid against him in the coming days as part of the shooting death of an elderly couple from Reno and two women who lived near the town of Gardnerville.

Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam told reporters Sunday that he thought there were no other suspects, said the affiliate from CBS Reno, KTVN-TV.

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Carson City Sheriff's Office / KTVN-TV

"Investigators, police officers, scientists, volunteers, despatches, local, provincial and federal law enforcement agencies came together and worked tirelessly to get us where we are in this investigation," he said. Balaam.

Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong said at the press conference that the federal immigration authorities had told his office that Martinez-Guzman had been living in Carson for about a year and that he was illegally in the country.

Furlong said Monday that he did not know where Martinez-Guzman was coming from.

President Trump spoke of the murders committed Monday in a tweet claiming the maintenance of his long-promised border wall:

According to the authorities, Connie Koontz, 56, was found dead at home in Gardnerville Ranchos, around 15 years old. miles south of Carson City. Three days later, Sophia Renken, 74, was found dead at home about a kilometer from Koontz's home.

On Wednesday, the bodies of 81-year-old Gerald David and his 80-year-old wife, Sharon, were found at their home at the southern end of Reno, about 20 kilometers away. north of Carson City.

Furlong said that the investigation was continuing and that it was too early to comment on a possible motive. He added that Martinez-Guzman still had no lawyer to comment on it.

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