Winter Storm Kai: Winter Storms Hit California with Torrential Rain and Gusts of Wind Up to 80 km / h


Two winter storms hit the California coast on Saturday. Gusts of up to 80 mph have been recorded and roads flooded with torrential rains. A third, weaker storm is expected to pour more rain on Sunday, reports CBS Los Angeles.

While authorities on Saturday ordered residents to evacuate along the burning scar caused by the Woolsey fire in Santa Barbara County, locals were informed that they could return at 5 pm

Debis mud networks began to overflow in Montecito, where 21 people were killed by floods last year, caused by mud and debris on the road.

High wind warnings have been issued for parts of southern California. Winds of 80 mph were recorded at Santa Barbara. Wind Advisories have also been published for parts of central and southern California, as well as parts of Nevada and Arizona.

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Coastal areas and valleys received up to 1 inch of rain per hour during peak rainfall, according to the National Weather Service. Scattered rainfall has shifted to the southwestern United States, and Phoenix expects heavy rains between 3am and 7am Sunday, the National Meteorological Service said.

Many accidents have been reported on slippery roads, including an accident on Interstate 5 that killed a volunteer member of a sheriff's search and rescue team and has injured several others.

The Ventura County team was about to undergo a workout. when members stopped to help at the scene of an accident with a vehicle overturned.

A family-carrying van was traveling too fast due to wet conditions, was losing control of its vehicle and was sinking into the team members. Nine people were transported to hospitals, including a member of the emergency team who was in critical condition.

In northern California, rain gradually declined toward 6 am while a cold front had settled in the area before sunrise, CBS reports San Francisco. In some parts of the Bay Area, gusts of wind have reached the night up to 50 and 60 miles to the hour.

Many areas witnessed an interruption of the rain after a large and powerful storm cell passed through the area between 3am and 6am. cell begins to move in the central valley

Around 5 am, PG & E reported a significant power outage near Santa Cruz, affecting about 6,000 people. The teams are about to try to make the necessary repairs.

Near the Russian River, trees and power lines fell overnight on the Bohemian road to Monte Rio, knocking out about 500 people.

A winter storm warning in effect for the western slopes of the Sierra, including Lake Tahoe, beginning at 4 pm on Friday. until 4 pm Tuesday. Expect gusty winds, heavy snow and delays in the Sierra. The snow level will be 4,000 to 5,000 feet and 2,000 feet of Monday. The snow at the passes could reach between 36 and 60 inches.

Caltrans, the California Office of Traffic Safety and Cogeneration, recommends that drivers not cross the Sierra this weekend because of the expected heavy snowfall.

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