With the intention of not helping Trump, Schultz will take 3-4 months to make up his mind.


  Howard Schultz "title =" Howard Schultz "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  Howard Schultz, former CEO of Starbucks, said:" At the moment, I have the courage to believe that the system is broken, that politics is broke up and Ted S. Warren / AP Photo </p>
<p>  On Monday night, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said he would take "three to four months" before deciding whether to run for the job. presidency in 2020. </p>
<p>  "I promise not to do anything to announce the re-election of Donald Trump.Nobody wants to see this president leave his post more than me," he said at a news conference. visit of his book in Chicago. spoke at a Q & A session with Mellody Hobson, Chicago businesswoman and vice president of the Starbucks board of directors, who compared information reporting the possibility of An independent race to the possibility of "dropping a bomb". </p>
<p class= The story continues (19659006) to assess whether voters want to see an independent candidate in 2020. He says the theme of his unofficial campaign is simple: the financial security of all Americans.

"I'm taking the next three or four months to travel the country," he said. "I do events like this. I will do my best to listen and learn over the next three or four months to see if I can start a national conversation and movement. "

Schultz said that he was expecting a downturn," but not to a degree of "assault," he told the crowd gathered for the sponsored event by the Chicago Ideas Speakers Forum

Since he's announced his interest in the race, the coffee mogul was blasted by the Democrats who worry about the split of the anti-Trump vote and the passing of the elections to Trump.The Twitterverse was ruthless, he acknowledged. 19659004] "I'm not going to be a spoiler.The numbers do not match.If I do not see the evidence, I will back down.At this moment, I have the courage of my beliefs to believe that the system is broken, that politics is broken and that someone must try to change it. "

For his part, Schultz sometimes fueled fire with ridiculous remarks that inspired. Earlier on Monday, for example, he said the terms "rich people" and "means people" were preferable to "billionaires".

Schultz's new book, "From the Ground: A Journey to Reimagine the Promise of America," describes growing up in difficult circumstances and with modest means. He says that these experiences have shaped who he is today.

"I am living proof of the promise of the country and the American dream and I want to do everything in my power to restore it. I do not think it can be reinstated in a two-party system that fights every day, is dysfunctional, polarized, and more engaged in a policy of revenge than in helping the American people, "he said. [19659004] Schultz has grouped all politicians in one basket saying, "Americans are much better than our political class."

Hobson challenged his statement, saying, "There are members of the political class for which I have great respect. Great respect. I do not want to chastise a whole group of people. I can not do that. It's Chicago, Barack Obama's house. The crowd burst into applause.

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