Women are invited to wear white suffragette during the State of Trump Union speech


A group of Democrat women in the House urge legislators from both parties to wear white to defend women's rights during President Donald Trump's speech on the state of the Union, planned for the February 5th.

A task force asked to discuss the women's suffrage movement and to repeat its message, said CNN Tuesday

"Wearing the white suffragette is a respectful message of solidarity with women across the country and a statement that we will not come back, our hard-earned rights, "said Representative Lois Frankel (D-Fla.)

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The Representative freshman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (DN.Y.) donned an all-white pantsuit this month when she was sworn in to Congress. She noted on Twitter that she had chosen her outfit "to honor the women who paved the way for me and for all the women to come."

Hillary Clinton dressed in white for accepting the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 2016

Like Geraldine Ferraro, when she was the first woman to accept the nomination to the vice presidency at from the 1984 Democratic Congress, following Shirley Chisholm, who in 1969 wore white for her swearing-in ceremony as the first black woman.

Last year, participants in the state of the Union were encouraged to dress in black as a sign of solidarity with the Times Up and Me Too movements against assaults and harassment in industries, large and small, including government, media and entertainment.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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