Women in the United States have fewer babies, especially here


US. Fertility rates are relatively low from coast to coast, according to new data from the National Center for Health Statistics (CNSH) of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The report examines the total fertility rate or the number of children per group. It can be expected that 1,000 women in 1,000 will be infected in their lifetime, given the current birth rate. The researchers found that by 2017, women in only two US states – South Dakota and Utah – had child rates high enough to maintain existing populations.

Fertility rates in the United States were quite low in all states, but their numbers varied by region and race. Fertility rates among women were highest in South Dakota, followed closely by Utah and lows in Washington, DC Among black women, fertility rates were highest in Maine and the lowest in Wyoming. For Hispanic women, rates were highest in Alabama and lowest in Vermont.

However, fertility rates may not tell the whole story. They are based on a snapshot of current birth rates by age. As a result, the high number of women with older children can lead to a decline in their numbers. Research has shown that this is the case in the United States, with a drop in the teen birth rate and a larger number of married women starting a family later in life.

But analyzes based on other parameters, such as the total number of lifelong births, give long-term views of childbirth trends – suggested that women of today are not likely to be able to survive. there may be no less children; they can simply become older mothers than women in recent decades.

Yet, while the majority of American women still have children, the conventions change. The stigma of new ways of having babies and decisions not to do so at all is beginning to weaken, as the global environment is contributing to new reproductive concerns. Financial insecurity, fears about the future and challenges related to child care also motivate some women to wait, according to a recent poll published by the New York Times . @ time.com.

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