Yanukovych at a press conference panicked the Tsimbalyuk problem


President Viktor Yanukovych was very nervous when a Russian journalist, Roman Tsymbalyuk, was questioned at a press conference in Russia.

"What do you think, what are you doing?" Everything you said about the war, Crimea, Donbass, Putin said, so the question is, are not you in captivity here? On what basis are you here? "- asked Tsimbalyuk from the former guarantor (to watch the video, go right to the end).

After that, the room became noisy, Russian journalists began to outrage the too many questions asked. Tsymbalyuk even wanted to leave the room, but he stayed.

While all this was happening, Yanukovych was very nervous, waving his hands and twisting his pen in his hands.

"First of all: I got used to all the questions and always ready to answer all those who wish it … We have known each other for a long time with you and I am also happy to see you." Here is what what the prosecutor says, you know how the prosecutor spoke and I am happy to see you without thrill, "said the former president Journalist

Yanukovych replied that he is moving quietly on Russian territory.

"I am not wanted by Inter. Olga, I can go to any country, "he said.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, the network was built on Yanukovych's laughter through the pen.

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