Yarmolenko this season will no longer appear on the field – Sport


He is still far from healing his wounds.

The midfielder of London West Ham Andriy Yarmolenko will not play this season.

According to helmsman "Manslauga Pellegrini, the Ukrainian will certainly not help the team's partners in the current draw of the English Premier League.

Winstone Reid and Carlos Sanchez took the plane with Andrew. A Chilean specialist said at a pre-game press conference on the eve of the 26th round of national championship against Crystal Pelas.

Remember that Yarmolenko was wounded at the end of October 2018 at an NPS meeting against Tottenham. Ukrainians were taken away in doctors' clothes. Later in the day, the football player diagnosed the Achilles tendon gap. After the operation performed it is known that Andrew will miss at least 6 months

Yarmolenko's active, 9 games and 2 goals during the current season of the under -marine

Previously, the TSN ProSport spoke of Yarmolenko during the recovery period .

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