Ultimate’s cross-platform play and if it will be on Nintendo Switch and PC


This is not the case

In just over a week, the last expansion for Mortal Kombat 11 in the Realm of Ultimate will be available in the wild for those eagerly awaiting Rain, Rambo and of course Mileena, although now some are wondering how to play it. .

Warner Bros. ‘ The Latin American page recently posted an article where many gamers believe Ultimate will also add cross-platform gaming to PC and Nintendo Switch alongside PlayStation and Xbox, but that may not be the case for several reasons. .

“The konsole doesn’t matter, the desire to fight matters. Cross-platform kombate only in Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate,” it reads. Message from WB on Twitter in the Spanish original attached to an image with the following text: “Kombate ahora si es todos contra todos.”

The main point of contention is how the text is read / translated over what it actually talks about in terms of availability.

Fortunately, a native Spanish speaking friend was able to provide me with his interpretation to try and help clear things up, as follows.

“No matter the Konsole, winning fights is more important. Kombat is only cross-platform in Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate,” the translated post read combined with “Kombat now is everyone versus everyone. “.

Confusing image of Krossplay's tweet from BM # 1

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Many believe that, given the context, this means that MK11 will also receive Krossplay on Switch and PC, but it could also simply mean that MK11 is simply available to play on every major platform.

The word “ multiplataforma ” could mean multiplatform or multiplatform in this situation, so that ultimately doesn’t fully answer the question. What is it then?

Considering what has already been announced about MK11 Ultimate, however, the fighting game probably won’t receive fully expanded Krossplay anytime soon.

Mortal Kombat 11 was already added in functionality for PS4 and Xbox One players last year, and the announcement of Ultimate came with new releases for the PS5 and Xbox Series X which will also be included in Krossplay. later this month. The tweet also doesn’t make a direct reference to Krossplay, which is a specific name for MK11.

Warner Bros. ‘ Own FAQ for the Ultimate expansion covers what Krossplay will be available with the update, and also only lists PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One for platforms.

So far, few fighting games have attempted full cross-platform play on all major consoles and PCs, the only one that can do so now is Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – with Fantasy Strike up close.

Another potential catch with the addition of Krossplay for PC and Switch is that these versions are not directly developed by NetherRealm Studios but rather managed by QLOC and Shiver Entertainment respectively.

While it doesn’t look like MK11 is reaching full cross-platform play just yet, there will be more to look forward to when the Ultimate update is released, including variations of kustom for ranked online play.

Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate will be available alongside Kombat Pack 2 on November 17th on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC and Stadia with free upgrades for Sony and Microsoft systems.

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