Union Pacific invests $ 20 million in a key border station


Associated press
May 04, 2019 10:05

SANTA FE, NM (AP) – State officials have stated that Union Pacific Railroad is undertaking a $ 20 million project at its Santa Teresa intermodal terminal and refueling station in Santa Teresa, California. New Mexico.

The New Mexico Department of Economic Development announced Friday that Union Pacific Railroad's investment will allow the company to add container blocks to passing trains more quickly and efficiently.

Officials say these improvements will also result in increased shipments and downtime for customers waiting for goods along the 1,223-kilometer Sunset Rail corridor between El Paso, Texas and New York. Los Angeles.

The original 2,200-acre intermodal facility opened in 2014 was geographically strategically located, allowing the railways to sort and transport goods along its routes in 23 states.


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