Universities face student lawsuits over Covid-19 vaccine mandate


Hundreds of thousands of college students and graduates from public universities have had the choice of getting the full Covid-19 vaccine or not showing up on campus in the fall.

More than ten students have opted for a third option: to continue their school.

The students have filed federal lawsuits challenging immunization requirements in major public university systems in Indiana, Connecticut, California and Massachusetts. The students, supported in several cases by anti-vaccine groups, insist they have the constitutional right to attend college in person and not vaccinated.

The odds against prosecution are considerable, say public health law scholars. Already, a federal appeals court has upheld Indiana University’s vaccine requirement, a decision cited by other school defendants. When balancing public health interests against individual freedoms, courts have historically accorded great deference to state entities.

Yet the anti-vaccine legal effort represents one of the most important tests in recent years of the government’s power to pressure adults to get vaccinated, legal experts have said.


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