University of Maryland adenovirus deaths: Olivia Paregol's parents say the university health center has not tested the adenovirus despite the symptoms


COLLEGE PARK, Maryland – Parents of a student from the University of Maryland who died after contracting the adenovirus talk about the mold conditions on campus that they believe contributed to his death. Freshman Olivia Paregol died last week after she complained of flu-like symptoms. His parents, Ian and Meg Paregol, also told CBS News correspondent Jericka Duncan that the university health center had not tested their daughter for the test. adenovirus despite his symptoms and his first case of the disease, the day before Olivia's visit. Health officials said they identified three new cases among Maryland students.

Olivia was diagnosed with Crohn's disease before coming to university and took medication that, according to her father, weakened her immune system. A few weeks after starting his studies, he says that Olivia has begun to express her concerns about mold in her dormitory at Elkton Hall.

"You could see [the mold]. Oh yes, it was on his shoes … it was on his table. It was everywhere, "said Ian.

"Yeah, that would steal their shoes overnight," Meg said.

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<p>    Kyle Rumsey is among the freshmen who told us that he had also found mold in his dorm. <br /><strong><br /></strong>"I'd have red eyes when I wake up, I'd have an itchy throat," Rumsey said. </p>
<p>    The university said it was beginning to receive "higher than normal" mold reports throughout the dormitory beginning Sept. 16. Five days later, authorities began relocating more than 500 students from Elkton Hall until the end of the teams' cleanup on Oct. 10. <br /><strong><br /></strong>"There should have been more disclosure and transparency about the existence of the mold," Ian said. "It was just cleared -" Oh, let's clean it up. Do not worry. "</p>
<p>This was not the only problem, according to Olivia's parents. </p>
<p>University officials said they learned of the existence of their first case of adenovirus on Nov. 1. The next day, Olivia went to the university health center complaining of having trouble breathing. According to Paregols, no one has tested his adenovirus.</p>
<p>    "They do not connect this point." Hmm, this student is immunocompromised, she has all the symptoms of adenovirus. We have been diagnosed with adenovirus, oh she just – we will send her home. "</p>
<p>    Olivia was finally treated at Johns Hopkins hospital, but <span class=died on November 18. Her parents said that the doctors had told them that had they known that she had adenovirus, they would have treated her differently, which, according to her parents, could have saved Olivia's life.

"We cried for days, then we became numb and we were incredulous, and it's just that no one should be forced to do that," Ian said.

They buried their daughter three days ago.

"You can not imagine, you know, having to choose a plot for your daughter," said Ian. "That's not how it should work."

"I think she's found a real place for herself," said Meg of her daughter who was studying criminology at the university. "It comforts me to know that she found joy in life."

The University of Maryland stated that adenovirus-related illnesses on campus had been detected both in on-campus and off-campus students and in students in dormitories affected and unaffected by mold.

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