Until the next horror story of Dawn's creator, Man of Medan, scheduled for August


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Until dawn Supermassive creator gives us more of a good thing with Anthology of dark images, a collection of autonomous cinematic horror stories. That's exactly what I was hoping the studio would do after searching through his icy teen slasher and we just have to show up now. The first Dark photos Release, Medan man, is scheduled for August 30, 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The first player choice prompt we see in this trailer is the version's date of "flirting" or "ignoring", so you know we're ready for more fun things. And unlike Until dawn, I will not play Medan man only my first time through. I will not make the same mistake twice. The horror of Supermassive is much more pleasant to me as a shared social experience than a solitary and paranoid festival.

"Some scenes exist only on specific narrative paths, different combinations of survivors are possible before the final scenes, more important and, in some ways, more surprising consequences of" mismanagement "relationships, and ends that vary greatly depending on the paths taken, "Supermassive's CEO, Pete Samuels, said on the PlayStation blog.

"Medan man has the most ramifications and possible outcomes of all our games to date. In Until dawn there were 38 death scenes for the characters and you could see up to 10 in one game. In Medan man there are 69 [nice]and the maximum you are likely to see in a single game is nine. This means that you have to play the game at least nine times to see all the death scenes, not to mention all other possible events in the story. "

More interesting than the trailer itself, the publisher Bandai Namco detailed a tantalizing pre-order bonus for Medan man. The supernatural adventure title will offer a conservative cut that sheds light on an "alternative path through the game" once you have completed your scenario. As a reminder, the curator (played by Pip Torrens) is an "omniscient observer" of our words and deeds.

The conservator's cup promises "new options and new choices" in each scene, as well as new scenes and secrets. Per Bandai Namco, "The content of the conservative cup will be made available to players who do not pre-order Medan man at a later date. "The price is not known yet.

I've always had the feeling that Until dawn took a while to find his audience, so I'm curious to see how the launch goes on not only Medan man in August but also the widest Anthology of dark images.

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