UPDATE: All schools in Decatur City locked after "threatening call" | Decaturish


Posted by Dan Whisenhunt
November 27, 2018
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The player Barbara Palumbo sent this picture of the stage outside Renfroe Middle School

This story has been updated.

All Decatur schools, including Decatur High and Renfroe Middle School, are locked this morning, November 27, after receiving a "threatening call".

An employee who answered the phone to the Decatur Police Department said locking was a precaution, "to make sure everyone is fine".

Decatur police officers and DeKalb County sheriff assistants have been spotted in the area.

A spokesman for the police department said, "We are currently investigating threats against several schools. All schools in Decatur were locked while we investigated these threats. Officers are on site in each school. "

According to unconfirmed information, evacuations would take place in at least one school. Decaturish strives to gather additional information.

City Schools of Decatur officials were not immediately available to comment but they sent the following message to their parents:

The safety of your child is our top priority. Trying to be cautious after receiving threats in some schools, CSD was blocked system-wide.

We are actively working with the police to investigate this situation. Students can not be controlled until the lock is lifted. Please do not go to schools as this would interfere with school safety procedures. The Decatur Police Department sent officers to all schools.

We will continue to send updates.

Decaturish contributor Cathi Harris said the sheriff had blocked East Ponce Avenue from Leon on Commerce Drive.

Photo of Cathi Harris

Students and teachers at Decatur High and Renfroe Middle sent a text message to family members warning them of the lock.

One parent reported receiving the following text messages from his student, who was attending Decatur High.

From my DHS jr:

10:48 – We are in a dead end for some reason

(I asked him if he was in a classroom)

10:55 – Yes. And we are behind these lab benches. I'm not anywhere near the door. They said it was something on the outside of the building

11:09: we are now in a progressive lock. So we can go up and start the class but we can not leave the class

This is a story in development. Check back for updates.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Dunwoody schools have also been threatened recently.

"None of these threats have been deemed credible," reported AJJ.


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