UPDATE Red Dead Redemption 2: Red Dead Online and shock rumors Rockstar | Game | Entertainment


A small update Red Dead Redemption 2 Online has been released this week. It should be followed by a much larger expansion on PS4 and Xbox One.

As Rockstar Games confirmed earlier this week, Xbox One players can now participate in open target races, in which you race to eliminate all scattered targets on free space.

The new update also includes the ability to grab the Jawbone from the Fence knife, the Hartman double-breasted jacket, and the Diamondback hat with snakes.

Different bonuses are also available this week to help you increase the number of your gold bars before the big extension arrives on consoles.

Rockstar Games has not yet set a date for the release of its spring update, but fans hope it will be for the end of the month.

This is due to the lack of content currently available to fans compared to its other major rival, GTA Online.

GTA Online was another massive multiplayer mode that lacked variety in its first year, after seeing many updates released.

But GTA Online does not have to worry, it's the competition of Red Dead Online, which took a lot of time to hit the market after the launch of GTA 5.

But reports released this year suggest that GTA 6 could be launched in 2020.

Of course, this would create a huge pressure on Red Dead Online to start playing before the release of GTA 6.

And another leak this week suggests that GTA 6 could use a few tips found in Red Dead Redemption 2.

According to a recent article published on Pastebin, Rockstar's next big project will borrow RDR2's foreign dialogue mechanism.

And the GTA 6 post also claims that the next game of Grand Theft Auto will not arrive on PS4 due to "memory restrictions".

If this is the case, GTA 6 could also ignore the Xbox One and focus only on next generation consoles.

The news of such an important project could worry fans who are waiting to see Red Dead Online grow before moving on to something new.

However, this new report contradicts the previous one, stating that Rockstar Game has not yet set a release date for GTA 6.

"Rockstar Games has an idea of ​​when they want to release the game, but companies want to analyze the sales of the PS5 and the Xbox 2," the report concludes.

If this is the case and the launch of GTA 6 on new generation consoles is longer, it would give Rockstar more time to upgrade the current Red Dead Online experience.

As always, all these reports are rumors and must be taken with a big pinch of salt.

Rockstar has nothing official about what they planned to do in the field of games, with Red Dead Online as the main goal in 2019.

And it will soon be the send-off with the great Spring expansion on PS4 and Xbox One.

According to what Rockstar Games has told us so far, Spring's big update will bring a number of new features and missions to the multiplayer Red Dead.

Rockstar confirmed that more "A Land of Opportunity" missions will be part of the update. Fans can continue Jessica LeClerk's quest for revenge as you explore the path of a Gunslinger or Outlaw.

This announcement will be launched alongside new mission donors and mission types Free Roam, Rockstar referring to one-player cameos.

Rockstar also plans to extend the dynamic events that can occur in Red Dead Online, which means fighting ambushes, launching rescue operations and defending people in need.

And comments posted online, Rockstar would do better to publish their next major expansion as soon as possible.


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