US Coroanvirus: Hospitalizations and Covid-19 cases soar as country enters one of busiest travel weeks of the year


Historically, Thanksgiving week has been one of the busiest for travel. But as the United States reports its 20th consecutive day of more than 100,000 new cases on Sunday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised against traveling for the holidays this year in order to reduce the risk of spreading infections.

As new cases skyrocket, hospitalization rates have followed. At least 83,870 Covid-19 patients were hospitalized Sunday – the 13th day in a row the United States has broken its hospitalization record, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

Health experts have long feared that the colder months will push people indoors, leading to increased infection rates. The CDC said on Friday that 50% of cases are spread by people without symptoms. With just one infected person having the potential to cause an outbreak, experts fear that people traveling and gathering could prove dangerous to the American public who are still at the heart of the pandemic.

Heads of state warn of mass media events

As the pandemic devastates parts of the country, many heads of state are urging residents to follow recommended guidelines.

Oregon has reported a record high for three consecutive days with 1,517 new cases on Sunday. Governor Kate Brown ordered a two-week “social freeze” on Nov. 18 and warned residents on Sunday not to attend large Thanksgiving gatherings.

“Our hospitals are simply too busy for mass-market events”, Brown tweeted.
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In Nevada, cases are increasing at “wildfire levels,” Gov. Steve Sisolak said. He said new restrictions would begin on Tuesday, including an indoor and outdoor mask mandate for residents and visitors, limiting private gatherings to ten people or less and requiring restaurant reservations not to be made. more than four people at a table.

El Paso, Texas has a record number of active cases with 35,963 as of Sunday, according to the El Paso Department of Health. The workload motivated the Texas National Guard to “provide mortuary support,” County Judge Ricardo Samaniego told CNN affiliate KVIA.

“Right now they’re helping us manage the transport overflow where the trailers are, trying to get some movement so that we don’t have a backup,” Samaniego told KVIA. “We have a lot of loved ones waiting for parents, moms and dads.”

Samaniego sent a letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday hoping to restore a curfew for El Paso County as Covid-19 cases continue to rise in the region.

Promising vaccine developments

Americans probably still have a while to wait for a vaccine, but there are some promising developments in the research.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration hosted a December 10 meeting for the Vaccines and Related Biologics Advisory Committee to discuss an emergency use authorization request for a vaccine candidate, the commissioner tweeted on Sunday. of the FDA, Dr. Stephen Hahn.

Most cases of coronavirus are spread by people without symptoms, CDC now says

“While we cannot predict how long the FDA review will take, the agency will review the request as quickly as possible, while doing so thoroughly and scientifically, so that we can help make a vaccine available that the American people deserve as soon as possible, ”Hahn tweeted.

On Friday, Pfizer and BioNTech applied for emergency use authorization for their vaccine which they said was 95% effective with no health issues.
The request came days after Moderna said its vaccine was 94.5% effective in a clinical trial.
Even if a vaccine gets the green light from the FDA, most Americans likely won’t be vaccinated until spring or summer 2021, according to health experts.
In the meantime, experts say tens of thousands of lives could be saved or lost – depending on how people behave.

“Measures that include wearing masks, frequent hand washing, maintaining physical distance and limiting the size of gatherings will remain crucial,” said the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

CNN’s Jenn Selva, Hollie Silverman, Holly Yan, Naomi Thomas, Artemis Moshtaghian and Maggie Fox contributed to this report.


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