US Covid-19: Millions More Americans Can Now Get Vaccinated, Including All Teachers


– Millions more Americans will be eligible to get vaccinated this week as many states expand their pools.

– For the first time, teachers in all 50 states and Washington, DC, can now get immunized.

Now here’s the problem: Some Americans say they’re unwilling to get the vaccine, even though it’s the easiest ticket to herd immunity and getting back to normal life.
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About 70% to 85% of people must obtain immunity – either by surviving Covid-19 or by receiving a vaccine – to achieve herd immunity. This is when enough people are protected against a disease that they cannot spread among the population.

But while 92% of Democrats have been vaccinated or want to be vaccinated, that number drops to 50% among Republicans, according to a CNN poll conducted by the SSRS.

“What we need to do is find a way to dissociate the anti-science (beliefs) of the Republican Party,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.

In order for the United States to end this pandemic as quickly as possible, more Americans must roll up their sleeves – especially as more contagious variants and travel increase, health experts say.

“On the one hand, we are distributing vaccines at a record rate, but on the other hand, we have these variants,” said Dr Leana Wen, emergency physician.
“We also know that surges happened after spring break and after the vacation before. So what happens now is really up to us.”

Despite warnings, air travel hits record highs

More people have traveled by air in the past four days than any other four-day period in this pandemic, according to the Transportation Security Administration.

At least 5.2 million people have flown since Thursday, TSA said.

Health experts say spring break can be a perfect storm for spreading variations.
The B.1.1.7 strain is spreading rampantly in Florida, Hotez said, and research shows the strain is 59% to 74% more transmissible than the original new coronavirus.
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Still, revelers have filled Florida hotspots, and they may unknowingly bring the virus back to their home states.

Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber said “too many spring break activities” had taken place over the weekend.

“We have a problem with too many people coming here,” the mayor said. “We have a problem with too many people coming here to let go.”

And just because spring breakers are outside on a beach doesn’t mean they’ll be safe.

“They won’t be (outside) all day and all night,” Hotez said. “They’re going to be in bars and everything.”

You Asked, We Answered: Your Top Questions About Covid-19 and Vaccines

With masks, is a distance of 3 feet sufficient?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is examining new data to see if physical distance guidelines for schools should be changed from a minimum of 6 feet to a minimum of 3 feet, a federal official said on Monday.

The official pointed to a study released last week that showed “no significant difference” in Covid-19 rates in Massachusetts public schools that had implemented social distancing rules more than 3 feet away from to those of 6 feet.
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“Less physical distancing policies can be adopted in schools with masking mandates without compromising the safety of students or staff,” the authors concluded.

Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said: “The CDC is very aware that data is piling up, which makes it look like 3 feet is OK under certain circumstances. “

“I can assure you that within a reasonable time – absolutely reasonable – they will issue direction based on the data they have,” Fauci told CNN on Sunday. “It won’t be very long.”

If schools are informed that a distance of 3 feet between students (with masks) is sufficient, this could be a game-changer as many schools have not been able to bring more students back to classrooms. class due to insufficient space.

How to beat variants before they get out of hand

In the race between vaccines and variants, “the best way to avoid any threat from variants is to do two things,” Fauci said.

The United States is now in a vulnerable situation with Covid-19.  Don't make the same mistakes as Europe
“Get as many people vaccinated as possible as quickly as possible, and continue with public health measures until we get this broad umbrella of protection over society that the infection level is very low.”
This means the United States should not ease restrictions until the daily number of Covid-19 cases drops below 10,000 and “maybe even considerably less than that,” Fauci said.
The United States is not even close to that goal. Over the past week, an average of more than 53,000 new Covid-19 infections have been reported every day. And an average of more than 1,350 deaths have been reported each day over the past week.

One voice could help quell vaccine hesitancy

A recent poll by NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist found that 47% of people who backed President Donald Trump in the 2020 election said they would not get a Covid-19 vaccine if it was released. their disposition. (Only about 10% of people who backed President Joe Biden said they would not get the shot.)

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Fauci told “Fox News Sunday” that if Trump told Republican supporters to get vaccinated, it “would make all the difference in the world.”

“He’s a very popular person among Republicans. If he would go out and say, ‘Go get vaccinated, this is really important for your health, the health of your family and the health of the country’, it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are close to him will l ‘would listen,’ Fauci said.

Former presidents of both sides have publicly received their Covid-19 vaccines to show Americans they are safe. Trump didn’t and quietly received his vaccine instead.

And there are even more good reasons to get vaccinated. Growing evidence suggests that coronavirus vaccines don’t only keep people from getting sick, they can also keep you from getting infected and spreading the virus to others.

“All the evidence on all vaccines now indicates that these vaccines reduce asymptomatic infection and reduce transmission,” Dr Scott Gottlieb, former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and current member of the board of directors, told CBS on Sunday. from Pfizer.

“If this is the case, the vaccine creates what we call ‘dead end hosts’ – a large number of dead end hosts – which means people will no longer be able to transmit the infection.”

CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen, Michael Nedelman, Pete Muntean, Anjali Huynh, Hollie Silverman and Naomi Thomas contributed to this report.


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