US ends Trump asylum deals with three Central American countries


Secretary of State Antony blinkSenator Antony BlinkenGOP urges Biden to confirm US will keep embassy in Jerusalem Blinken, Saudi Arabian counterpart to discuss Yemen on first phone call Five things to know about Biden’s move to Yemen MORE on Saturday announced that the United States would end asylum deals the Trump administration has made with three Central American countries.

Under Trump-era politics, many asylum seekers seeking refuge at the US-Mexico border had to first seek asylum in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras.

The United States “suspended and initiated the process of ending the asylum cooperation agreements with the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras as the first concrete steps on the road to a partnership. and increased collaboration in the region, mapped out by President Biden, ”Blinken said in a statement.

The Trump administration struck this deal in 2019 as part of its efforts to restrict immigration and reduce the number of refugees entering the U.S. It was never officially enacted between the U.S. and Honduras or El Salvador, according to the State Department, and the coronavirus pandemic has suspended all transfers between the United States and Guatemala since last March.

President Biden signed several executive actions relating to immigration last week, including one requiring the State Department to assess “promptly” whether to inform officials of the other three countries that the United States intended. to exit the deal, Reuters noted.

“To be clear, these actions do not mean that the US border is open. As we commit to expanding legal avenues of protection and opportunity here and in the region, the United States is a country with borders and laws that must be enforced, ”Blinken said in the statement. “We are also committed to providing safe and orderly treatment to all those who arrive at our border, but those who attempt to migrate irregularly put themselves and their families at risk on what can be a very dangerous journey.” . “

Learn more about The Hill:

Biden’s immigration policy goes beyond Trump reversal


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