US fines Japan Airlines $ 300,000 for long flight delays


The US government fined US $ 300,000 for delays that blocked passengers on two planes for hours on the ground.

Under an agreement with the transportation department, the airline gets a $ 60,000 credit to compensate passengers. $ 120,000 will be forfeited if the company avoids similar incidents for one year.

According to the ministry, after the bad weather forcing a Jan. 4 flight between Tokyo and New York to land in Chicago, the airline staff needed to help passengers leave the plane did not show up before more than four hours.

On May 15, a Tokyo-New York flight was diverted to Dulles Airport, near Washington, DC, where passengers were stuck on board for five hours because of refueling and the fact that Crew reached the end of their shift.

The airline has attributed these delays to airport congestion.

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