US President Trump has contracted a new 30-year mortgage in 2018 worth more than $ 5 million


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US President Donald Trump has contracted a new 30-year mortgage in 2018 for a property he owned in West Palm Beach, Florida, according to new financial information released Thursday by the Office of Ethics government.

The mortgage valued between $ 5 and $ 25 million has an interest rate of 4.5%, according to new deposits. A real estate website indicates that the house, located near the President's Beach Estate, Mar-a-Lago, overlooking the ocean, is available for rent for approximately $ 81,000 per month.

The eight bedroom house is on the beach.

Financial disclosures are prescribed by law and provide insight into the president's sprawling finances.

Trump refused to publish his tax returns, which would give a more accurate idea of ​​the amount of money he is personally reporting. The information provided gives an overview of the number of properties that he and his business possess.

(Report by Ginger Gibson, edited by Sonya Hepinstall and Richard Chang)


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