1 in 5 students insisted so much that he considers suicide


According to a new study, college can be so stressful that many students think about suicide and some even try to do so.

Of more than 67,000 students surveyed, more than 20% reported experiencing stressful events in the past year, strongly associated with mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts or attempts, the researchers found.

"What is striking in our findings is that there is a disproportionate number of students who report a large number of stress exposures that they consider traumatic or difficult." to overcome, "said lead researcher Cindy Liu. She leads the program on Development Risks and Cultural Disparities at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

"Some stresses exceed the ability of students to cope," she added.

Stressful events defined as traumatic or difficult to manage include: academic pressures; career issues; death of a family member or a friend; family problems; intimate relationships and other social relationships; finance; health problems of a family member or partner; personal appearance; personal health problems and sleep difficulties.

Liu's team found that 3 out of 4 students had experienced at least one stressful event during the previous year. And over 20% have experienced six or more stressful events in the past year.

Of these students, 1 in 4 reported being diagnosed or treated for a mental health problem. In addition, 20% of students surveyed thought of suicide, 9% had attempted suicide and nearly 20% had been injured.

These issues were especially serious among transgender students, with about two-thirds of them reporting being injured and over one-third reporting suicide attempts.

In addition, more than half of bisexual students reported suicidal thoughts and injuries. More than a quarter of these students tried to commit suicide, the researchers discovered.

Liu said that the rate of students suffering from depression or anxiety is much stronger today than in 2009, the date of the last survey.

For example, among gay, lesbian and bisexual students, rates of suicidal thoughts were higher than in 2009 – 58% vs. 48%. They were also higher for suicide attempts – 28% vs. 25% – and for self-harm – 51% vs. 45%.

Liu also said that as students progressed through the university, the chances of experiencing stressful situations increase. This may be due to increased pressure from academics and others, she said.

Since many students suffering from these mental problems do not seek help, the scale of the problem is probably much greater, Liu said.

In terms of race, compared to white students, fewer Asian students reported mental health problems. In addition, black students were less likely than white students to report mental health issues or ideas or suicide attempts, she added.

Colleges are doing more than ever to help students depression and anxietyLiu said. In some schools, these efforts include peer counseling in addition to traditional mental health services.

In addition, parents can help knowing how much their kids face in college and wonder if they are depressed or anxious, Liu said.

In addition to the stress mentioned in the study, a suicide expert pointed out that drugs and alcohol can make the situation worse.

"For many students, they are trying to consume alcohol and drugs for the first time," said April Foreman, board member of the American Association of Suicidology. . "We know these things are really destabilizing."

In addition, this is an age where there is an increase in personality disorders and other mental health issues, which can also increase the risk of suicide, Foreman said.

She believes colleges need to help these students by providing counseling and monitoring to ensure they are not suicidal. Parents must also work with the school to provide support and care to their children.

For the study, Liu and his colleagues analyzed data from the 2015 survey conducted by the National Association Health Assessment Association. In the survey, students were asked about depression and anxiety, especially if they had been diagnosed or treated for a mental health problem.

They were also asked if they had hurt themselves, considered suicide or suicide attemptand how many stressful situations they experienced last year.

The report was published online Sept. 6 in the journal Depression and Anxiety.

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