1 million gallons of untreated raw sewage flowing to Dallas White Rock Lake


All water recreation activities at White Rock Lake in Dallas are closed after a member of a construction team broke down a sewer line and sent over 1 million gallons of water. Untreated raw sewage in White Rock Creek.

A sewer line ruptured during the construction of a company along Plano Parkway in Plano (red circle) dumped 1 million gallons of untreated waste that sank in White Rock Creek (outlined in yellow) on Wednesday. The stream reaches White Rock Lake about 12 miles downstream to the southeast.

Photo credit: Google Maps / NBC 5 News

The North Texas Municipal Water District told NBC 5 Thursday afternoon that a sanitary sewer line had been breached on Wednesday by a boring construction team parking a car dealership near the intersection of Preston Road and President George Bush Turnpike. The district said the 16-inch pipeline was repaired Thursday at 3 am, but until that time, 1,069,000 gallons of waste was dumped into White Rock Creek

. North Dallas at the confluence with White Rock Lake. The Texas Sky Ranger flew over the creek on Thursday and noticed several dead and floating fish in the creek.

NTMWD officials confirmed that drinking water is not affected and that White Rock Lake is not a source of water for Dallas Water Utilities. The immediate danger to humans and wildlife comes from contact with raw sewage.

On Thursday afternoon, the Dallas Department of Recreation and Parks closed all recreational water activities at White Rock Lake, including the dog park. ] Texas Environmental Quality Commission and Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife Study and Should Perform Creek and Lake Assessments

A contractor for the car dealership struck the line by installing a large awning

By law, contractors are required to request plans and to mark the pipes before they dig.

A representative of the lot of cars told NBC 5 that the information received by his seller was about 10 feet

The source of the plans and marks is not confirmed.

District water officials told NBC 5 that dry weather and no rain in the forecast can help slow the progression of wastewater and facilitate cleaning.

"The district and entities are examining how much of this wastewater is entering the creek and what type of cleaning and sanitation needs to be done" Hickey, with the NTMWD. "We do not have a timeline of the time it will take for this current to actually reach White Rock Lake."

Dallas Councilman Mark Clayton, who said he learned the spill on Thursday morning, warned that sewage could flow downstream into Dallas and White Rock Lake, causing fish kills, an unpleasant smell and restriction of activities and access to the lake due to potential health hazards.

"I just discovered that there was a chemical spill yesterday in Plano. Potential to affect White Rock Lake and Creek, "writes Clayton on Facebook. "The staff is monitoring the situation, but it may require the closure of the dog park and some lake activities with great caution."

The average pool contains about 20,000 gallons of water – the volume of the spill estimated by the NTMWD is 50 times this amount.

Editor's Note: The information previously included in this report that was obtained from the North Texas Municipal Water District indicated that the construction site where the water leak was located was located at Toyota de Plano. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality told NBC 5 Thursday afternoon that the address of the leak was 5930 W. Plano Parkway, which belongs to Audi Plano. We regret the mistake.

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