10 family members are found hanging at home near New Delhi


NEW DELHI – Eleven family members were found dead at their home near New Delhi Sunday, most of them hanging from the ceiling, blindfolded and gagged, according to police.

old woman, her two sons, their wives, a daughter and five grandchildren, said the police. Ten of the bodies, apparently found by a neighbor, were hung from an iron bar on the ceiling and an eleventh body, that of the old lady, was lying on the floor.

leads to death are unclear. Several officials initially said that family members had committed suicide, but no suicide note was found at the scene. The officials then told the Indian media that the family members may have been murdered.

Police said in a statement released Sunday night that the handwritten notes found in the house indicated "the observance of certain spiritual or mystical practices defined by the whole family". "

" Coincidentally, these notes have a strong similarity to the manner in which the deceased's mouths, eyes, etc. were tied and taped, "says the police.

The family lived in the city of Burari In the north of the capital, where a large migrant population lives in dilapidated buildings, it is squatted in congested alleyways, gangs also have a presence in the area, where several people were killed during the war. a shootout last month.

Neighbors said the family had been living in the area for nearly two decades and that they had a plywood business.

The store generally opened around 6 am and a neighbor told reporters that he had found the corpses after looking upstairs while the store was not open at 7:30.

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister from Delhi, visited Burari and spoke with the neighbors of the family who told him that the family had a very good reputation. "It is very difficult to understand why this incident occurred," Kejriwal told reporters

Kai Schultz contributed to the report.

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