10 guilt-free snacks to manage blood sugar levels


Diabetes, commonly known as the silent killer, is one of the most common health problems of late. He has become more of a condition of life; Thanks to our sedentary lifestyle, our stress, our poor and unhealthy diet and our long hours of work, all invite to health, even among young people. Although it is impossible to cure it completely, diabetes can be well managed through a healthy diet and physical exercise. Health experts generally advise diabetics to have five small meals instead of three big ones because they can not afford to have fluctuating blood sugars that can complicate things. Small, frequent meals can help control blood sugar levels and keep the body healthy. If you're not sure what to include in your snacks, we offer healthy snacks that combine carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and fats that help control diabetes.

Healthy snacks for diabetics

1. fruits

The fruits contain sugar, natural vitamins and minerals and are rich in fiber. A bowl of fresh fruit would not hurt. Make sure the fruits you choose should be relatively low in sugar. Include apples, berries and guava.

(Read also: How to control diabetes naturally: 5 remedies to manage sugar levels)


Snacks for diabetes: fruits contain sugar, vitamins and natural minerals and are rich in fiber

2. hard boiled eggs

Eggs can not simply be used during the breakfast time, you could enjoy boiled eggs as a snack in the evening when you are hungry. The protein content allows you to stay full longer and keep your blood sugar up. Cut the boiled eggs in half and sprinkle with black pepper and salt to get the maximum benefit.

3. handful of almonds

Almonds are very nutritious because they provide many vitamins and minerals, including manganese, magnesium and riboflavin, which promote health. The presence of fiber, protein and healthy fats makes almonds ideal for diabetes management. In fact, almonds are known to keep your heart healthy.

(Also read: Ayurveda for diabetes: 4 diabetes recipes to try)

4. Roasted chana or chickpeas

Roast chana is one of the best snack foods; thanks to the combination of proteins and fibers present in them. Research has shown that regular consumption of chickpeas can play a key role in preventing the progression of diabetes. You can roast chickpeas so that they become crisp and practical. Do not buy salted chickpeas from the outside because they can hold a large amount of sodium.


Snacks for Diabetes: Roast Chana is one of the best snacks to snack on

5. cottage cheese

The hypoglycemic effects of cottage cheese or paneer are often attributed to its high protein content. The cottage cheese can have a simple taste; you can combine it with extra nutrients and fiber.

6. Yogurt with berries

Yogurt with healthy berries is a great diabetic snack for many reasons. The antioxidant property in berries can reduce inflammation and prevent damage to pancreatic cells, the body responsible for releasing hormones that lower blood sugar. In addition, berries are a good source of fiber, which helps slow down digestion and stabilize blood sugar levels. Yogurt also has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and is high in protein, which is known to control your blood sugar levels.

7. Homemade goodies

Homemade treats such as upma oats, idli oats, poha or dhokla offer high protein options to diabetics. These snacks are not only light on the stomach, but also offer some very interesting options.


Home-made sweets such as upma oats, idli oats, poha or dhokla offer high protein options to diabetics

8. whole grain crackers

The fibers in the crackers can prevent them from raising blood sugar. You can add a small piece of cheese to get a certain amount of fat, which can slow the digestion of carbohydrates, reduce insulin levels and promote the release of hormones that lower blood sugar.

9. trail mix

It's one of the best options for nibbling. Mix nuts such as pistachios, almonds, cashews, pecans, etc., all known to help you stay healthy with dried fruits like raisins, seeds and pumpkin seeds, etc. This non-perishable snack can be brought to the office and nibbled whenever you feel hungry. Do not buy outdoor blends as they may contain preservatives, salt and sugar that can harm your health.

mountain blend

This is one of the best options for nibbling

10. Shoot salad

Germs are easy to prepare and very effective in reducing peak blood sugar levels. Mix cucumbers, tomatoes and cottage to make it healthier. Sprinkle with salt and lemon juice to add to the flavor. Enjoy your perfect sprout salad.

Be sure to consult your doctor before eating any of these foods.

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